Issue key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Components | Status |
V5-1164 | self service GET wallet balances issue - timings -> day (spending conditions) | The response of the self service GET wallet balances has an issue regarding the timings -> day (spending conditions). According to speca Week starts with Monday (1) For the e.g below the days are MONDAY (1) and THURSDAY (4) but in the response it says day (2) and (5). SCREENSHOTS ATTACHED. | Bug | ACCOUNTS | Closed |
V5-1058 | Enhance Order Details Report | Order Details Report Enhancement: Amend to show currency symbol correctly | Improvement | ANALYTICS | Closed |
V5-1017 | Enhancement to Order Detail Report | Add 2 new fields: | Improvement | ANALYTICS | Closed |
V5-559 | Correction of venue 'Purchase Amount' line chart axis | The axis for the line chart showing the venue's purchase amounts is displayed in descending order instead of ascending order. Same applies for 1 day, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year. | Bug | BUSINESS NETWORK | Closed |
V5-1068 | Prevent deletion of a segment that is used by an offer | Prevent deletion of a segment that is used by an offer | Improvement | COMMUNICATIONS | Closed |
V5-1149 | Data is mongo is not updated when updating contact information at service owner level. | Personal info of a contact e.g phone was updated in the Service owner level, but the data is not updated in Mongo. Even though the new data is visible in the screen in the business level, mongo is not updated. For e.g in the segment it identifies the contact with the old phone number. | Bug | CONTACTS | Closed |
V5-1127 | Contact Payment Methods Usability Issues | A couple usability tasks were not implemented or have an issue based on a series of tasks that were made previously | Bug | CONTACTS | Closed |
V5-1036 | Custom Fields enhancements - validation when saving new custom fields key | Add validation when saving new custom fields key. When adding keys with Capitals and/or spaces custom fields was not working in segments. | Bug | CONTACTS | Closed |
V5-722 | Dashboard wallet balances are zero | When you access the dashboard, the Wallet Open and Commerce balances are zero. | Bug | DIGITAL MONEY | Closed |
V5-1155 | Automation SMS Message Typo | Default SMS message for refer a friend has a typo | Bug | PLATFORM | Closed |
V5-1132 | Google Places Enhancements | Ability to geolocate address based on lat and lng coordinates | Task | PLATFORM | Closed |
V5-1063 | Dashboard Wallet Balances Issue | The wallet balance breakdown on dashboard does not list any values. The breakdown is zero | Bug | PLATFORM | Closed |
V5-1037 | Product Variant SKU and Name not visible when managing product variants | Product was created with 2 variants. Product variant SKUs and Names were set and saved and appear in Variants list. But when user tries to manage Variants the information is missing. | Bug | PRODUCT CATALOGUE | Closed |
V5-1142 | Contact tier points/info disappeared when Tier period value unit limit was changed from system configuration | Support attempted to change the Period Value units of the Gold Tier for Costa Coffee from 3400 to 3750 and the tier points and tiering information disappeared from contact's page and mobile app. | Bug | REWARDS CORE | Closed |
V5-1138 | Reward Commercial Terms Typo | Under Reward Commercial Terms settlement tool-tip there is a typo mistake | Bug | REWARDS CORE | Closed |
V5-1039 | Reward Offers (List Self-Service) Issue | The list reward offers (self-service) returns offers that are not applicable to the customer | Bug | REWARDS OFFERS | Closed |
V5-1152 | Retrieve Organisations based on Country | Ability to retrieve organisations, filtered by country | Improvement | | Closed |
V5-1022 | List (Self-Service) Reward Offers Issue | Featured offers are not ordered on top of other offers | Bug | | Closed |
V5-1000 | Products list enhancements | Ability to search for products using the product type and product category Ability to order by (asc or desc) results of products based on sku, name, product type, product category, product family
| Improvement | | Closed |
V5-996 | Order Details report issues | Issues regarding the Order Details report. | Bug | | Closed |