Issue key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Components |
V5-4005 | Wrong as of date balance calculation in Contacts summary report | Wrong 'as of' date balance calculation in Contacts summary report. Running the report with an 'as of' date in the past returns the contact's running balance instead | Bug | ACCOUNTS |
V5-3990 | Financial transaction issues |
| Bug | ACCOUNTS |
V5-3823 | Issue when posting payments and custom fields | Create a 'Draft' payment and save it. On editing the payment a validation is thrown about custom fields, even though no custom fields are set up for the business | Bug | ACCOUNTS |
V5-3806 | Issue when managing Refund transactions | 1) Create a Refund transaction and save as posted
2) Edit the Draft refund and change its amount
3) Save or Post the refund transaction throws error 500
| Bug | ACCOUNTS |
V5-327 | Contact Communities | Ability to organise contacts into groups by setting up contact relationships. Support for family, friends and member relationships. Support of multiple use cases such as the group leader defining access to the group; funding for the group; pricing and offers for the group. Ability to setup a portal for business contacts and their employees | Story | ACCOUNTS |
V5-3885 | Log Activity 'owner change' in Events History of Activity | When the owner of an Activity is changed to a system User or a Team, then this should be logged in the Events History, just like Service Requests. | Improvement | ACTIVITIES |
V5-3975 | Enhanced Payment Insights exported information | When exporting Payment Insights using UGD format, include:
| Improvement | ANALYTICS |
V5-3810 | Customer Events Analysis Report | Improved Customer Events Analysis Report:
| Improvement | ANALYTICS |
V5-3789 | Service Request Analytics enhancements | 1) Service Requests Reports (Summary and Analysis a) Ability to search, view and group based on the owner/owner team 2) Insights for SRs - Service Request Event created with breakdown SR owner, SR queue, SR priority a) not retrieving SRs assigned to teams | Improvement | ANALYTICS |
V5-3958 | Verification email resent upon business registration when using the same email address | Register a business using an email address which was previously used to register another business. The email sent to the business owner includes email verification, and prompts to set a new password etc. as though it's the first time that the email is being used to register a business | Bug | BUSINESS NETWORK |
V5-3697 | Copying a business doesn't work | 'Copy a business' feature via the back-end isn't working. | Bug | BUSINESS NETWORK |
V5-3876 | Communication tag issue | Communication tag #award.organisation_name returns the business name, instead on the merchant name at which the event was awarded | Bug | COMMUNICATIONS |
V5-3989 | Issue when creating New Journal Entry & Top-up transactions | Irrelevant 'life cycle state' error message appears when creating a new journal entry from the contact screen | Bug | CONTACTS |
V5-3937 | Cannot segment contacts based on subscription events |
| Bug | CONTACTS |
V5-3924 | Segmentation summary screen problems | 1 ) Segmentation screen takes too long to load | Bug | CONTACTS |
V5-3916 | Set a default Sales Model on creating a contact | Ability to specify which Sales Model will be set by default on creating a new contact. If no default Sales Model is specified, then by default a Contact Person is assigned the 'Retail' model, likewise, a Contact Company is assigned the 'Wholesale' model | Improvement | CONTACTS |
V5-3877 | Ability to segment contacts based on their phone's country code | Ability to segment contacts based on their phone's country code. Include phone country code in segment criteria (already exists in Mongo - Contact profiles) | Improvement | CONTACTS |
V5-1326 | List Purchase Customer Events Performance Issue | Listing a large number of purchase events results in a performance issue | Bug | CUSTOMER EVENTS |
V5-1102 | Purchase Customer Event Performance Issue | Posting a front-end reduction purchase with 13 active offers takes too long to be complete | Bug | CUSTOMER EVENTS |
V5-3970 | Warehouse transaction filtering issues | Filter is not applied when filtering warehouse transactions based on 'performed date' | Bug | INVENTORY |
V5-3983 | Leads summary screen filter issue with overdue leads | Overdue Leads = true filter is not retrieving all overdue leads | Bug | LEADS |
V5-3878 | Enhanced Phone field for Landing pages | The country code for phones on Landing pages should default to the business's base country code | Improvement | MOBILE PASS CARDS |
V5-3992 | Inventory & Order issue | Stock balance counters issue: issue on progress invoices orders
a) 1 item returned back to warehouse 6. cancel the order a) order was cancelled BUT there are dispatched items. user must return them all back first | Bug | ORDERS |
V5-3122 | Unhandled error thrown when cancelling an order paid using CRM Wallet | Unhandled error thrown when cancelling an order paid using CRM Wallet | Bug | ORDERS |
V5-3138 | Products deletion | A product should not be deleted if:
V5-3968 | Merchant Reward Terms Issue | Updating the reward terms to block a merchant from awarding/spending a contact's purchase does not work | Bug | REWARDS CORE |
V5-3967 | Award Expiration Issue | Creating a purchase with a spend request while a reward offer with an expired commerce pool is active, results in purchase failure | Bug | REWARDS CORE |
V5-3953 | Commerce Pool Expiration Issue | Creating two commerce pools with a different specific expiration date should be allowed and not considered as the same pool, as the actual date is different | Bug | REWARDS CORE |
V5-1024 | Award Expiration Issue | Setting the award expiration to today's date returns error | Bug | REWARDS CORE |
V5-1277 | Reward Offer Summary Page Performance Issue | Performance issue when changing the state of a reward offer (from 'active' to 'inactive', and vice versa). List reward offers takes a long time to load (approx. 9-10seconds) | Bug | REWARDS OFFERS |
V5-2845 | Security issue when accessing Leads and when user does not have Set up Leads access | Users that are granted the permission to create or update leads should have the ability to list contacts, lead pipelines and lead lost reasons in order to be able to do so (create and/or update) | Bug | SECURITY AND USERS |
V5-3976 | Service flexible bundles enhancements |
| Improvement | SUBSCRIPTIONS |
V5-3955 | Subscription & Billing issues | 1) Schedule the addition of a post-bill service a) Currently the next billing date is shows as the day on which the service will be activated. But on that day the service will not be billed since it's post-bill. The date should be + 1 billing cycle ahead. 2) Billing estimation issue during 'Become paid subscriber in SaaS Flow' 3) 'Change Service Preview' feature throws unhandled error | Bug | SUBSCRIPTIONS |
V5-3938 | Ability to include components in a flexible bundle with various quantities | Each component included in a bundle can have its own quantity which is un-related to the bundled service's quantity | Improvement | SUBSCRIPTIONS |
V5-3918 | Subscription billing issues for services with 0 price |
V5-3915 | Adding the first 'draft' service to the contact results in an Active Subscription |
V5-3857 | Enhanced UI/UX for SaaS model | 1) My Business a) The Business's subscription must be accessible at all times. Currently right after the first sign in, the business owner must switch into Live data to view the subscription 2) My Subscription (within My Business): 3) My Subscription (after changing into Paid subscriber) a) Business owner must be able to add more payment methods if required (same flow as when changing into paid subscriber) 4) Become Paid Subscriber / Change Subscription flows a) Remove 'variable' badge below the price | Improvement | SUBSCRIPTIONS, USER EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL |
V5-3669 | New V2 Web APIs: Subscriptions | V2 Web APIs for Subscriptions | Improvement | SUBSCRIPTIONS |
V5-3936 | Plugin Custom Headers Enhancements | Ability to configure auth header parameters | Improvement | USER EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL |
V5-3922 | Application Translations | Remove content translations from applications | Task | USER EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL |
V5-3954 | Time travel issue with timeline | If during January user selects to go back 3 months, then the timeline is wrong since the previous months show 2023 instead of 2022, i.e. it appears as Nov 2023, Dec 2023, Jan 2023 instead of Nov. 2022, December 2022, January 2023 | Bug | Utilities |
V5-3999 | Contact Summary performance issue for 'Balance as of Date' | Contact Summary performance issue for 'Balance as of Date' | Bug | CONTACTS |
V5-3969 | Device with no product throws exception on UI | Device with no product throws exception on UI | Bug | INVENTORY |
V5-3965 | Subscription Issues |
the options are always shown | Bug | SUBSCRIPTIONI |
V5-3940 | List Devices missing state | List Devices API missing ‘state’ | Bug | INVENTORY |
V5-3933 | Insight events not based on quantity have an issue | Problem with Insight events not based on 'quantity' | Bug | ANALYTICS |
V5-3927 | Refund allocation issue | Refunds are not allocated when a credit in posted | Bug | ACCOUNTS |
V5-3926 | Validation check if classification is used prior to deleing | Before deleting a classification, check if it's used by an offer | Bug | |
V5-3897 | Service request issues |
V5-3896 | Leads Expected closing date filter is not working | Expected closing date filter is not working. Implementation checks for specific date, but filter has specific date range options. | Bug | LEADS |
V5-3879 | Assignable Entities and Automations Enhancements | Ability to support assign to team as an automation event for service requests, activities and leads. In addition, UI enhancements are introduced that will help a user to identify the 'assign to' attributes from such entities summary page | Improvement | AUTOMATIONS |
V5-3858 | Order Catalogue Category deletion issue | When deleting a parent order catalogue category, the subcategories are not deleted. | Bug | ORDERS |
V5-3773 | Paging Enhancements | Paging changed on several screens, the remaining screens will be completed in due course | Task | USER EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL |
V5-3753 | Fix Authorisation Annotations | The @NoPermissions annotation should allow calls with Secret API key and access token, also it should have a parameter allowPublicAPIKey and if it's set it should allow calls with Public API Keys also. The @AllowedPermissions annotation should throw an error if no permissions are specified on it | Bug | USER EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL |
V5-3668 | Cloud Operator user masquerade refresh issue | When a masqueraded user refreshes it's token, it should be kept on current organisation | Bug | SECURITY AND USERS |
V5-2980 | New V2 Web APIs: Users | Update users and authentication module to v2 APIs and UI | Improvement | USER EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL |