Issue key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Components | |||||
V5-3826 | Creating a new Pending Payment triggers 'New Payment' Automation | During the billing run, a payment intent is created for SEPA contacts. This however triggers the 'New payment' automation to interface the payment to a 3rd party system. Due to the fact that the payment does not have a number or a posted date, it is rejected by the 3rd party system | Bug | ACCOUNTS | |||||
V5-3823 | Issue when posting payments and custom fields | Create a 'Draft' payment and save it. On editing the payment a validation is thrown about custom fields, despite the fact that no custom fields configured for the business | Bug | ACCOUNTS | V5-3805 | Wrong information shown in Activity Feed | 1 ) Payment was created for a contact with amount 1000 and saved as Draft 2 ) Then the payment was edited, amount changed to 600 and posted 3 ) The Activity Feed shows 2 entries, however both of them are shown as Draft payments and with the same amount (1000) 4 ) Expected entries should had been a) Payment Draft with amount 1000 5 ) Check both Contacts AND Organisations Activity Feed entries (issue was reported for a merchant's activity feed but also replicated for Contacts) | Bug | ACCOUNTS |
V5-3781 | Default account classification not displayed in Account Classifications settings | When loading the configured account Classifications in Finance settings, the default classification is not shown in the UI. However, the Web API does return the default classification | Bug | ACCOUNTS | |||||
V5-3731 | Issue on performing actions per Invoice | Verify existing process and fix:
| Task | ACCOUNTS | |||||
V5-3804 | When a contact registers to a business via self-service (SO contact registry) the wallet is not created | Contact registers from the front-end (self-service) to a business where contact registry is enabled at the service owner level, the contacts wallet is not created at the business level. | Bug | APPs AND PORTALS, WALLET | |||||
V5-3764 | Business Network Improvements | Ability to optionally define an 'admin' user when (manually) creating a service owner, business or merchant/service provider via the back-end | Improvement | BUSINESS NETWORK | |||||
V5-3809 | Include a contact's primary address in communications | Implement #contact.primary_address communication tag to be used when setting up communication templates for an entity (e.g. Orders) and in Automations | Improvement | COMMUNICATIONS | |||||
V5-3790 | Service Requests - UI and communication tags bugs |
V5-2370 | Communications improvements for Service Requests |
V5-3713 | Issue when creating segments for contacts who are using an application | No contacts are included in segments with filter 'contact has an application X' | Bug | CONTACTS | V5-3704 | Subscription Deactivation (Usability) Issue | Attempting to deactivate a subscription after manually deactivating its service, the user enters in a loop of activation/deactivation of such subscription and modal cannot be closed | Bug | CONTACTS, SUBSCRIPTIONS |
V5-3636 | Issue on updating addresses | Update the primary address of a contact throws 'only one primary address' exception | Bug | CONTACTS | |||||
V5-3811 | Ordering flow issue for upfront Orders including traceable physical goods | Upfront Order is placed that includes a traceable physical good. Order also included specific device provided to the contact. User tries to progress the Order to completion
| Bug | ORDERS | |||||
V5-3786 | Issue on updating a non-base currency price | 1 ) A new price was set up for a product in USD on business with EUR as the base currency. Price value in EUR was not set. On updating the existing price through, EUR is displayed again and user has to remove it.
2 ) Add a currency on a price and click on tick first
3 ) On adding a new price, Sales model drop down issues
V5-3780 | Pricing Self Service Web APIs to return full pricing info of quantity-based prices | Self-service Web APIs to return all prices (and all tier ranges) of prices having Tiered/Volume and Stairstep pricing models | Improvement | PRODUCT CATALOGUE | |||||
V5-3705 | Pricing Utility UI | Pricing Utility UI | Task | PRODUCT CATALOGUE | |||||
V5-3821 | Create Service Request from the Contact screen doesn't retrieve addresses for selection | When creating a service request from the contact screen, clicking on the address selection box doesn't retrieve contact's addresses to select from. It should work as for creating a service request via CRM > Service Requests | Bug | SERVICE REQUESTS | |||||
V5-3782 | Issue when applying subscription promotions |
| Bug | SUBSCRIPTIONS | |||||
V5-3687 | Improvements in resetting a Subscription's Billing Day | Business rules included in Subscription Settings define when the Billing day is reset on a Subscription | Improvement | SUBSCRIPTIONS | |||||
V5-3798 | Insight name not updated | Edit an Insight and change its name or its description and save the changes. Going back to the summary screen, the change is not visible | Bug | USER EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL | |||||
V5-3777 | Automatically set queue stages colours | When setting up a queue's stages, the stage's colour should be automatically set (randomly) instead of being manually set by the user (currently when adding a new stage the colour defaults to grey). Applicable for all entities that have stages (Leads, Service Requests and Orders) | Improvement | USER EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL | |||||
V5-3722 | Ability to update Payment information through automations | Payment automations to be enhanced so as to support:
| Improvement | Utilities | |||||
V5-3710 | Assignable Entities Enhancements | Enhancements on assignable entities to support accessibility coverage across users of the same team | Improvement | Utilities | |||||
V5-2680 | Automations Enhancement | Ability to support synchronous automation events, where external (webhook) validations/customization may apply prior creating/updating contacts or contact phones | Improvement | Utilities | |||||
V5-3831 | Billing settings update issue | When removing invoice type or credit note type selected the change is not saved in backend | Bug | ACCOUNTS | |||||
V5-3812 | Set order item information on subscription service | Set order item information on subscription service | Task | SUBSCRIPTIONS | |||||
V5-3807 | Self-service Top up issue | Error when calling self-service API https://sandbox.crm.com/self-service/v2/topups. | Bug | V5-3802 | Enhance configuration data components to be search boxes | Enhance all selectable components of configurable data in UI to be autocompleted in order to improve performance and not preload all the data by default. | Bug | ACCOUNTS | |
V5-3800 | Purchase customer events pass issue | Purchase customer events pass issue | Bug | CUSTOMER EVENTS | |||||
V5-3760 | Lazy initialization issue for financial transactions | Lazy initialization issue for financial transactions | Bug | ACCOUNTS | |||||
V5-3747 | Issue when inviting new Users | When inviting a new user (not existing user) to a new organisation, the user is created with a state of 'active'. The user should have a state of 'inactive' so that it doesn't appear on the Users screen, but only on the Pending Invites screen, until the user creates a password. | Bug | SECURITY & USERS | |||||
V5-3740 | Create a new method that retrieves caller details | Create a new method in tenancy utility that retrieves details about a user, or an API Key depending on the external id that was passed to it. Use the new method wherever needed. | Task | Utilities |