Issue key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Components |
V5-3490 | Settlement Enhancements | Settlement changes to credit (a merchant), if it funded a contact's payout (via JCC Merchant Services) | Improvement | ACCOUNTS |
V5-3434 | Financial Events Usability enhancements |
| Improvement | ACCOUNTS |
V5-3504 | Ability to log scheduled subscription actions in Mongo Events collection | Ability to log scheduled subscription actions in Mongo Events collection. Therefore, when an action is scheduled it's logged as a scheduled subscription event and once executed, then a subsequent event will be added in Mongo having the exact same information but with the difference that in the latter case, the event is not scheduled | Improvement | ANALYTICS |
V5-3484 | Issue on communication tags replacements for Service Requests | Service Request tags on automated communications are not being replaced on the email upon creating new Service Request. | Bug | COMMUNICATIONS |
V5-3535 | Issue on managing devices |
V5-3520 | Orders payment using wallet funds issue | Issue when paying for order using wallet funds from the back-end system. | Bug | ORDERS |
V5-3494 | Ability to set up Order Milestones with a specific amount | Ability to set up Order Milestones with a specific amount instead of a percentage of the order's total cost | Improvement | ORDERS |
V5-3489 | Enhanced Complete Order process based on its delivered items | An Order can be completed if the business fulfills the contact's request by either delivering the ordered items, or if nothing was eventually delivered in terms of ordered items - there's at least one activity planned. | Improvement | ORDERS |
V5-3439 | Advanced strong password | Ability to support enhanced criteria for strong user passwords and expiration notification | New Feature | PLATFORM |
V5-3371 | Enhanced Download User Data Irdeto Command | Enhanced Download User Data device command of Irdeto provisioning provider so as to:
| Improvement | PLATFORM |
V5-2543 | Test/Live Mode Enhancements for Time Travel | Ability to support a 'test' mode (mock sandbox environment) for provisioning providers, implement time travel - a simulation feature which imitates the key behaviour and characteristics of rewards, billing & subscription configurations, and rules and UI enhancements for test data across SPA | Improvement | PLATFORM |
V5-3550 | Subscriptions summary screen issues & enhancements |
a. Should show how many are in Active, Inactive, Draft state. Now it shows all as Active 3. Add new filters a. Active since … | Task | SUBSCRIPTIONS |
V5-3540 | Ability to schedule a service's activation through the UI | Backend users to be able to schedule a service's activation (first activation or re-activation) through the UI as well. Currently a service can only be activated immediately from the UI, so enhanced to provide scheduling options too. | Improvement | SUBSCRIPTIONS |
V5-3534 | Issues with merging billing transaction into one per event |
V5-3437 | Ability to schedule the addition of a service to a contact | Provide the ability for a back-end user to schedule the addition of a service to a contact | Improvement | SUBSCRIPTIONS |
V5-3544 | ‘Bill upcoming cycles’ option pre-bills the whole contact, not the selected subscription | ‘Bill upcoming cycles’ option pre-bills the whole contact, and not the selected subscription. The issue is that the ‘Preview bill’ presents the whole billing information based on the contact. However, the process still bills the selected subscription which is the correct behaviour. | Bug | SUBSCRIPTIONS |
V5-3342 | Cloud Operator/Service owner token expiration issue | When your logged in as a service owner or a cloud operator the system throws you out every few hours | Bug | USER EXPERIENCE & TECHNICAL |
V5-3150 | Lockout Issue | User lockout should be applied when a user fails to log in for 5 consecutive times within 15 minutes (if a success log in occurs then the counter of 5 should be restarted) | Bug | SECURITY & USERS |
V5-2862 | Improvement on Contact Anonymise | Contact Anonymisation is the process of encrypting or removing personally identifiable data from data sets so that the contact can no longer be identified directly or indirectly. Contact's information to be anonymised:
| Improvement | CONTACTS |
V5-3558 | Service Request owner not changed | Navigate to a Service Request and change the owner - SR owner is not changed and user is returned to the SR summary screen/Kanban board. | Bug | SERVICE REQUESTS |