Issue key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Components | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1380 | Sum of wallet commerce balance is incorrect | Wallet balances don’t add up3149 | Financial issues |
| Bug | ACCOUNTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1386 | Consumer ordering model | Define the consumer ordering model based on the Business model and configuration | Improvement | APPs AND PORTALS | V5-1378 | Ability to filter Locations by organisation name | Improvement | BUSINESS NETWORK | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1347 | Images are not saved for Service Owner | Images are not saved for Service Owner under My Business | Bug | BUSINESS NETWORK | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1324 | Ability to define a short name for Addresses | Ability to define a short name for Addresses | Improvement | BUSINESS NETWORK | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1300 | Ability to access Pricing Policy during Business sign-up | Ability to setup Pricing Policy URL in White Label Settings and be accessible during Business Sign Ups | Improvement | BUSINESS NETWORK | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1269 | Communication Plan refresh issue | When you edit an auto refresh communication plan to not refresh automatically any more, the Contacts in the segment are lost (set to zero). | Bug | COMMUNICATIONS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1245 | Ability to create rich push notifications | In-App push notifications enhanced to support images. | Improvement | COMMUNICATIONS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1103 | Ability for contact to unsubscribe from receiving communications (emails/sms) | Ability for contact to unsubscribe from receiving communications (emails/sms) | New Feature | COMMUNICATIONS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1044 | Communication plan issues |
| Bug | COMMUNICATIONS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1455 | Segment for Name Day doesn't work as expected (always 0 contacts) for all of the conditions | Segment for Name Day doesn’t work as expected (always 0 contacts) for all of the conditions Name Day today Name Day next days Name Day last days | Bug | CONTACTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1415 | The server does not invalidate the previous generated OTP code after a new OTP code is generated | The server does not invalidate the previous generated OTP code after a new OTP code is generated | Bug | CONTACTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1412 | Enhance security and validations of Self-Service Contact APIs | Enhance security and validations of Self-Service Contact APIs to not allow arbitrary values such as HTML tags and JavaScript code | Improvement | CONTACTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1310 | Contact Phone enhancements - trigger phone verification | Ability to set whether contact phone requires verification in order to trigger phone verification process (send otp) and also display if it has been verified | Improvement | CONTACTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1236 | Contact Registration Enhancements | Ability to sign-up/sign-in using email and otp verification | Improvement | CONTACTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1233 | Contact Enhancements - New Webhooks for Create Contact & Update Contact | Create two new webhook triggering points: 1) upon Create Contact & 2) Update Contact | Improvement | CONTACTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-551 | Ability to activate pre-defined name days | Ability to load default name days of the system with option to add more. | New Feature | CONTACTS | V5-1407 | Self-Service / purchases issue - cannot filter purchases by from_date - to_date | Bug | CUSTOMER EVENTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-884 | Passes Enhancements | Changes to the way passes are configured and generated. | Improvement | DIGITAL MONEY | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1231 | Leads API enhancements | Leads APIs have been revised and amended | Improvement | LEADS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-902 | Create and Manage Lead Settings | When a Lead is created it is assigned to an Owner (user) and a Pipeline relevant to the type of business it represents. The Lead is progressed through the pipeline until it reaches the final stage where it becomes either a Won or a Lost lead. | Story | LEADS | V5-1464 | Issue with Order page - refreshing & filters | Bug | ORDERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1388 | Ability to retrieve product dependencies during ordering | Ability to retrieve product dependencies on purchasing a termed service. Any required services or physical goods are provided so as to also be included in the order prior checkout | Improvement | ORDERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1384 | Exclude expense and usage services from orders | Usage and Expense services must be excluded from the ordering process since they cannot be purchased. Expenses are applied based on business rules, whereas Usage service is consumed through one-time/termed services | Improvement | ORDERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1334 | Filter Promotions based on organisations | Filter Promotions based on organisations | Improvement | ORDERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1305 | Ability to specify the amount to be used from wallet funds | Ability to specify the amount to be used from wallet funds | Improvement | ORDERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1228 | Ability to auto refresh Orders summary page | Ability to auto refresh Orders summary page | Improvement | ORDERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1459 | Resend Email Verification Issue | Resending email verification during registration should not send other "registration" emails | Bug | PLATFORM | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1293 | Set up payment gateway intents | Ability to request payment gateway intents via customer clients | Improvement | PLATFORM | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-845 | Notify specific users when a new organisation is created | Ability to notify specific users (via Automations) when a new organisation is created | Improvement | PLATFORM | V5-1439 | Wrong number of components in Self-Service /Products API. | Bug | PRODUCT CATALOGUE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1396 | Ability to filter Product Categories on the organisation that owns the products | Ability to filter Product Categories on the organisation that owns the products | Improvement | PRODUCT CATALOGUE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1381 | Ability to retrieve product tier rules | Ability to retrieve product tier rules when a customer requests for an upgrade or a downgrade of the subscribed services | Improvement | PRODUCT CATALOGUE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1235 | Enhanced Profile Completeness Options | Ability to setup target conditions for Profile Completeness offer type on providing gender and verifying phone number | Improvement | REWARDS OFFERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1463 | Inactive APIs should not be authorised | Posting records into the system with inactive API Keys should not be allowed | Bug | SECURITY AND USERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1332 | Enhancement to My Profile functionality | Enhance user role permissions to handle My Profile update flow | Improvement | SECURITY AND USERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1271 | Subscription & Billing Settings UI Enhancements | Subscription & Billing Settings UI Enhancements | Improvement | SUBSCRIPTIONS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1267 | Product Catalogue Process enhancements | Enhancements required in setting up and using the product catalogue for termed and one-time services | Improvement | SUBSCRIPTIONS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1266 | Product Catalogue UI enhancements | Product Catalogue enhancements related to service products sold as part of a subscription. Enhancements include changes in configuring the setting of the product catalogue (e.g. tier paths) as well as setting up the catalogue as such | Improvement | SUBSCRIPTIONS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-361 | Manage Subscription Services | Provide the ability to purchase termed and one-time services through a product catalogue and manage their core behaviour throughout their life cycle though various subscription actions:
| Story | SUBSCRIPTIONS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1405 | Purchases & Business Network | Posting purchase against an organisation should allow only purchases of organisations within the business network | Improvement | V5-1312 | Ability to resend email for email verification | Improvement | V5-1288 | Enhancements in Orders Web APIs related to subscription ordering | Enhancements in Orders Web APIs related to subscription ordering | Improvement | V5-1272 | Subscriptions & Billing Settings Processes enhancements | Subscriptions & Billing Settings Processes enhancements | Improvement | V5-1163 | Ability to performed an advanced search using filters in summary screens | Ability to performed an advanced search using filters in summary screens | Improvement | V5-1151 | Tooltip usability issue | Hovering on tool-tip should be below the icon in order to display the related text | Bug | V5-1128 | Enable Business Payment Method | Provide the ability of business to define a JCC Merchant related payment method for charging | Improvement | V5-1080 | Front End Payment Payment Flow to support 3D Secure checks and Pre-order payment | The order processing flow needs to be amended to accommodate the potential for a 3D Secure redirect from a hosting bank, or in general front end payment capture. A number of front end and back end flows will need to be modified. | Improvement3145 | Contact Account bugs | UI bugs related to managing Contact accounts:
| Bug | ACCOUNTS |
V5-3093 | Cannot schedule an activity for today | Error thrown when creating an activity for today. You should be able to create an activity for today or a future date, but not a past date. | Bug | ACTIVITIES | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3151 | Issues with Reports |
a. There's a contact with a terminated account appearing in the report 2. Order details report a. Payment method column shows an enum value Crm_wallet - should be 'CRM Wallet' | Bug | ANALYTICS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3019 | Tax amount not included in Invoice granular data exports | Tax amount not included in Invoice granular data exports. | Bug | ANALYTICS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3081 | Self-service /organisations/{id}/network API - sort/order issue | The response should be sorted and ordered according to the set parameters ('sort' & 'order' respectively). | Bug | APPs AND PORTALS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3080 | Self-service /locations API to include full location address in response | In the API response, 'location' should include the full address and not just the first line of the address. | Bug | APPs AND PORTALS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3044 | Release app & portal - unhandled error for exceeded credit limit | The release portal is failing to handle an error for exceeding the credit limit. | Bug | APPs AND PORTALS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3124 | Automations filter and tag issues |
| Bug | COMMUNICATIONS, PLATFORM | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3021 | Push notifications to default to base language if nothing is set on the contact | Push notifications to default to base language if the contact's preferred language is not set. | Bug | COMMUNICATIONS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3147 | Issue when loading contact devices in UI | Devices are not being loaded on contact screen. Web API call always has parameter 'include_subscriptions=True'. This should only be the case when displaying devices per subscription, not on the contact level | Bug | CONTACTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3083 | Issue with predefined contact filters |
a. 'Created today filter' - expected result was to return the contacts create today, but instead it returns Contacts created in the last 24 hours | Bug | CONTACTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3082 | Issue with contact code | Contact code not automatically set on the contact if the user firstly types in a code and then removes it before saving | Bug | CONTACTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-2910 | New V2 Web APIs: Contacts | New V2 back office API changes for Contacts. | Improvement | CONTACTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3065 | Issue with electronic ID on Import Devices | Cannot map the 'Electronic ID' columns of an import file to a device field when importing devices | Bug | INVENTORY | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3128 | Actions not available in Orders screens for merchants | Actions are missing from the Orders screens for merchants | Bug | ORDERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3122 | Unhandled error is thrown when cancelling an order paid using CRM Wallet | Unhandled error is thrown when cancelling an order paid using CRM Wallet | Bug | ORDERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3101 | Issue when editing an existing Order's items | On editing an existing order's items, the item pricing is wrong as it uses the order item pricing information, instead of the product catalogue information. This process should apply pricing in the same way as in placing a new Order. | Bug | ORDERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3098 | Issue when setting up Order queues and 'invoice upfront' setting | Invoice upfront' setting isn't available when updating a queue Validation required to prevent issues: This setting can only be changed (from true to false and vice versa) only if there are no non-completed Orders in the queue (i.e. if there are orders of this queue, then all of them must be either 'Completed' or 'Cancelled') | Bug | ORDERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3056 | Orders & milestones enhancements |
| Improvement | ORDERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3054 | Issue on placing order with increased quantities on components | When increasing the quantity, the estimated cost is correct but when the order is created, the component's quantity is still the previous one | Bug | ORDERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3148 | Promotion Passes issues |
| Bug | PASSES | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-2967 | New V2 APIs: Pass Plans & Passes | Pass Plans & Passes V2 API changes | Improvement | PASSES | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-2869 | Enhanced Manage Entitlements Web API to include additional product information | Enhanced Manage Entitlements Web API to include additional product information. This information includes both services and device product information on how they are set up within CRM.COM | Improvement | PLATFORM | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3142 | Product set up issue |
| Bug | PRODUCT CATALOGUE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-2999 | Issues with applied promotions |
| Bug | PRODUCT CATALOGUE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3139 | Payout on Redeem Enhancements | Ability to define a minimum (payout) amount that should be supported on automatic redeem payouts | Improvement | REWARDS CORE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3052 | Payout on Redeem | Ability to perform a payout on auto-redeem against the contact's preferred payment method, or to a specific payment gateway (provided that it supports payouts) | New Feature | REWARDS CORE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3002 | Rewards Free Product | Ability to award contacts a free product (sku, family, type, brand) and on redemption the amount of such purchased product (or the cheapest one) to be credited to contact's open balance | Improvement | REWARDS CORE, REWARDS OFFERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-2956 | Redeem Enhancement | Ability for a business to enable manual redeem. In this mode, redeem is not automatic but is performed only if a spend is requested. | Improvement | REWARDS CORE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-2842 | Rewards Lottery Enhancements | Ability to draw a winner based on number of entries for specific contact events | Improvement | REWARDS CORE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3109 | Issue on changing a service's quantity ad issuing credit notes |
| Bug | SUBSCRIPTIONS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-2834 | Enhanced usage consumption based on the usage being consumed | Enhanced usage consumption based on the usage being consumed
| Improvement | SUBSCRIPTIONS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-2811 | Event-based Recurring Charges | Event-based recurring charges is a set of policies triggered on various subscription events that identify if and which Expenses will be applied on a subscription and will be charged on a recurring basis, i.e per subscriber billing cycle. Recurring charges policies include two major events - the event that will add the recurring expense on the subscription, and the event that will remove it. | New Feature | SUBSCRIPTIONS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-2773 | Enhanced Event-based Conditional Expenses | Enhanced Event-based Conditional Expenses
| Improvement | SUBSCRIPTIONS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-1838 | Enhancements in Pause Services action | Enhancements in Pause Services action
| Task | SUBSCRIPTIONS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-2520 | New Generation Wallet |
a. Top ups
| New Feature | WALLET | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3158 | Roll Secret API Key Error Message | Create a secret api key and set the expiration date to a passed date, error “cannot update an expired key” is thrown when updating the key | Bug | SECURITY & USERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3157 | Revoked User Error Message | Issues when creating then revoking a user then attempting to set a password using links in communication sent | Bug | SECURITY & USERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3144 | UI Issues |
| Bug | USER EXPERIENCE & TECHNICAL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3136 | Release app issues |
| Bug | APPs AND PORTALS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3135 | Create Order API - price_term_id should be sent for every ordered item | Create Order API - price_term_id should be sent for every ordered item | Bug | USER EXPERIENCE & TECHNICAL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3133 | Contact Register V1 issue | Contact register V1 API returns 201 Created, instead of 200 OK | Bug | USER EXPERIENCE & TECHNICAL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3108 | Spend Core Behaviour Enhancements | Ability to handle front-end payment spends with consumer OTP spend requests. Improvements include changes to app configuration settings to permit or not, a consumer to specify the required spend amount Spend core behaviour is changing as follows:
| Improvement | APPs AND PORTALS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3100 | App configuration issue with images | When uploading app configuration images, if 'Cancel' is selected, then all previously uploaded images are removed. | Bug | USER EXPERIENCE & TECHNICAL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3087 | UI issues |
| Bug | USER EXPERIENCE & TECHNICAL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3086 | Event Based Conditional Charges issue | Save Button not working on some occasions | Bug | USER EXPERIENCE & TECHNICAL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-3085 | Update Order Item | When updating an order item , update order api call does not include the external id of the ordered item in the response | Bug | ORDERS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-2904 | New V2 Web APIs: Accounts and Financials | Accounts V2 Web APIs:
| Improvement | ACCOUNTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-2851 | Wallet Spend amount issue | Inconsistency between different calls of the order estimate on the wallet spend amount | Bug | WALLET | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-2837 | New Purchase screen and currency issue |
| Bug | USER EXPERIENCE & TECHNICAL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V5-813 | Alignment Issue on Insights | Problem with alignment of the bars. Bars should start at the same left aligned position, so if the labels have different lengths - right align the labels and start the bars from the same point. | Bug | USER EXPERIENCE & TECHNICAL |