This method is deactivating an effective subscription. The method can be applied on a single subscription only
Resource URL
The token retrieved from the login method
The subscription to be modified. The allowed subscription identifier fields are the following:
Tip |
For releases prior to CRM.COM R13.0.0 the subscription_identifier is mandatory |
The accounts receivable identifier that can be used to perform the subscription modification. The allowed accounts receivable identifier fields are the following:
Note |
The ability to use the accounts_receivable_identifier instead of the subscription_identifier is applicable only when the specified Accounts Receivable owns only one Subscription |
Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R13.0.0 |
The action type that should be used. The allowed subscription action type identifier fields are the following:
The sub action type that should be used. The allowed subscription sub action type identifier fields are the following:
The transaction reference number of the performed subscription action. The transaction reference number is unique against already submitted subscription actions.
Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R13.0.0 |
The user that actually performed the action. The allowed user identifier fields are the following:
The unit that performed the action. The allowed unit identifier fields are the following:
Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R14.0.0 |
The date that the action is scheduled to be executed. If not specified then the action will be executed immediately
User Defined Field of type String
User Defined Field of type String
User Defined Field of type String
User Defined Field of type String
User Defined Field of type String
User Defined Field of type String
User Defined Field of type String
User Defined Field of type String
User Defined Field of type Float
User Defined Field of type Float
User Defined Field of type Float
User Defined Field of type Float
User Defined Field of type Date
User Defined Field of type Date
User Defined Field of type Date
User Defined Field of type Date
List of Strings, comma separated
A list of fields that should be included in the results. If not specified then all the available fields will be returned
Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R10.0.0 |
- It is mandatory to specify one of the semi-optional parameters. Only one of those parameters is allowed to be specified.
Response Data
Code Block |
theme | Confluence |
language | javascript |
linenumbers | true |
"subscription_identifier" : {"number" : "S60058"},
"action_type_identifier": {"name" : "Deactivate subscribers"},
"sub_action_type_identifier": {"name":"Deactivation"},
"scheduled_date": "2015-03-15T15:49:59"
} |
theme | Confluence |
language | javascript |
linenumbers | true |
Excerpt |
This method is deactivating an effective subscription. The method can be applied on a single subscription only |
Resource URL
Name | Type | Description |
token | String | The token retrieved from the login method |
subscription_identifier (semi-optional) | Subscription identifier | The subscription to be modified. The allowed subscription identifier fields are the following: Include Page |
| V4:subscription_identifier |
| V4:subscription_identifier |
Tip |
For releases prior to CRM.COM R13.0.0 the subscription_identifier is mandatory |
accounts_receivable_identifier (semi-optional) | Accounts Receivable Identifier | The accounts receivable identifier that can be used to perform the subscription modification. The allowed accounts receivable identifier fields are the following: Include Page |
| V4:accounts_receivable_identifier_post |
| V4:accounts_receivable_identifier_post |
Note |
The ability to use the accounts_receivable_identifier instead of the subscription_identifier is applicable only when the specified Accounts Receivable owns only one Subscription |
Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R13.0.0 |
action_type_identifier (optional) | Subscription action type identifier | The action type that should be used. The allowed subscription action type identifier fields are the following: Include Page |
| V4:subscription_action_type_identifier |
| V4:subscription_action_type_identifier |
Tip |
Deprecated from CRM.COM R15.0.0 |
sub_action_type_identifier (optional) | Subscription sub action type identifier | The sub action type that should be used. The allowed subscription sub action type identifier fields are the following: Include Page |
| V4:subscription_sub_action_type_identifier |
| V4:subscription_sub_action_type_identifier |
Tip |
Deprecated from CRM.COM R15.0.0 |
classification_identifier (optional) | Subscription Action Classification Identifier | The subscription action's classification. The allowed subscription action classification identifier fields are the following: Include Page |
| V4:subscription_action_classification_identifier |
| V4:subscription_action_classification_identifier |
Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R18.0.0 |
transaction_reference_number (optional) | String | The transaction reference number of the performed subscription action. The transaction reference number is unique against already submitted subscription actions. Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R13.0.0 |
performed_by_user_identifier (optional) | User identifier | The user that actually performed the action. The allowed user identifier fields are the following: Include Page |
| V4:user_identifier |
| V4:user_identifier |
performed_by_unit_identifier (optional) | Unit Identifier | The unit that performed the action. The allowed unit identifier fields are the following: Include Page |
| V4:unit_identifier |
| V4:unit_identifier |
Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R14.0.0 Deprecated from CRM.COM R18.0.0 |
performed_by_business_unit_identifier (optional) | Business Unit Identifier | The business unit that performed the action. The allowed business unit identifier fields are the following: Include Page |
| V4:business_unit_identifier |
| V4:business_unit_identifier |
Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R18.0.0 |
performed_on (optional) | Date | The date that the action was actually performed |
billing_effective_date (optional) | Date | Determines when the subscription services that are affected by the subscription action should be billed by the billing engine. |
billable_period_start_date (optional) | Date | Determines the start date of the billable period of each subscription service (it answers to the question “from which date should I start billing this service) that is affected by the subscription action. |
scheduled_date (optional) | Date | The date that the action is scheduled to be executed. If not specified then the action will be executed immediately
use_proposed_scheduled_date (optional) | Boolean | Defines whether the scheduled date automatically calculated and proposed by the system based on business rules, will be automatically set as the subscription's scheduled date or not. Applicable only if the subscription action includes a scheduled date and only if this scheduled date does not meet the business rules. Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R15.0.0 |
require_verification (optional) | Boolean | Determines whether the Subscription Action will be fulfilled through a Job Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R15.1.0 |
udf_string_1 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_2 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_3 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_4 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_5 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_6 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_7 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_8 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_float_1 (optional) | Float | User Defined Field of type Float |
udf_float_2 (optional) | Float | User Defined Field of type Float |
udf_float_3 (optional) | Float | User Defined Field of type Float |
udf_float_4 (optional) | Float | User Defined Field of type Float |
udf_date_1 (optional) | Date | User Defined Field of type Date |
udf_date_2 (optional) | Date | User Defined Field of type Date |
udf_date_3 (optional) | Date | User Defined Field of type Date |
udf_date_4 (optional) | Date | User Defined Field of type Date |
fields_set (optional) | List of Strings, comma separated | A list of fields that should be included in the results. If not specified then all the available fields will be returned Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R10.0.0 |
- It is mandatory to specify one of the semi-optional parameters. Only one of those parameters is allowed to be specified.
Response Data
Include Page |
| V4:subscription_action_short |
| V4:subscription_action_short |
Expand |
Request: Body: Code Block |
language | javascript |
theme | Confluence |
linenumbers | true |
| {
"subscription_identifier" : {"number" : "S60058"},
"action_type_identifier": {"name" : "Deactivate subscribers"},
"sub_action_type_identifier": {"name":"Deactivation"},
"scheduled_date": "2015-03-15T15:49:59"
} |
Response: Code Block |
language | javascript |
theme | Confluence |
linenumbers | true |
| {
"message": null,
"description": null,
"code": "OK"
"scheduled_date": "2015-03-15T15:49:59",
"name": "Deactivate subscribers",
"id": "C61522563EAEBEDC5E44114BEBFCC8AC",
"alternative_code": "00302"
"submitted_on": "2015-03-10T18:26:43",
"name": "Deactivation",
"id": "4812DDB00F0940144053FA6B67AA4080",
"alternative_code": "00303"
"business_classification_code": "DEACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION",
"number": "721",
"executed_on": null,
"life_cycle_state": "SCHEDULED",
"person_name": "Marios Lannister",
"username": "mpadministrator",
"id": "1"
"person_name": "Marios Lannister",
"username": "mpadministrator",
"id": "1"
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"life_cycle_state": "FINANCIAL",
"middle_name": null,
"company_profile": null,
"title": null,
"type": "PERSON",
"first_name": "Kakos",
"name": "Kakos Kuriakou",
"id": "0C93319EC1B536ED3A9EF3D2C21F1342",
"company_name": null,
"gender": null,
"passport_issued_by_country": null,
"passport_number": null,
"social_security_number": null,
"name": "JAPAN",
"id": "237"
"industry_sector": null,
"month": null,
"day": null,
"year": null
"month": null,
"day": null
"id_number": null,
"id_issued_by_country": null,
"industry": null
"life_cycle_state": "ACTIVE",
"number": "82",
"messagename": null"Kuriakou",
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{ "scheduledlife_cycle_datestate": "2015-03-15T15:49:59EFFECTIVE",
"action_type": {"number": "S60058",
"Deactivate subscribers", {
"id": "C61522563EAEBEDC5E44114BEBFCC8AC", "alternative_codename": "00302Normal Subscription",
}, "submitted_onid": "2015-03-10T18:26:43",6BB2B984CC9309775D06650C7493A836",
"sub_action_typedescription": null,
{ "namealternative_code": "Deactivation"ST"
"id": "4812DDB00F0940144053FA6B67AA4080",C8E3D014A8FAE4D352CDBDE30F7CC877"
"alternativeperformed_codeon": "003032015-03-10T18:26:43"
} |
Expand |
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"business_classification_codetoken": "DEACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTIONFF129D2E08124E2AA268C946DFDAE23E",
"subscription_identifier" : {"number" : "721S60948"},
"executedfields_onset": null,
"life_cycle_state": "SCHEDULED",
"performedscheduled_bydate": "2016-09-15T15:49:59"
} |
Response: Code Block |
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| {
"status": {
"person_name"message": "Marios Lannister",
"usernamedescription": "mpadministrator",
"idcode": "1"
"data": {
"behavioraction_codetype": "DEACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION"null,
"sub_action_type": null,
"submittedperformed_by": null,
"number": "4331",
{"job": null,
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"accounts_receivable": {
"usernameaccount_owner": "mpadministrator",
"idlast_name": "1Tz",
}"middle_name": null,
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"id": "15D4F07E221E44088CDE00A96DB1A250",
{ "name": "Tz Ek",
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"industry_sector": null,
"title": null, "country_of_residence": {
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"firsttwo_character_namecode": "KakosCY",
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"idname": "0C93319EC1B536ED3A9EF3D2C21F1342CYPRUS",
"companyalternative_namecode": null,
"demographics": "name_day": {
{ "month": null,
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"passportdate_issuedof_by_countrybirth": null,{
"month": null,
"passport_number": null, "day": null,
"social_security_numberyear": null,
"countryid_of_residencenumber": null,
"industry": null,
"id_issued_by_country": null
{ }
"name"life_cycle_state": "JAPANACTIVE",
"number": "ACR000929",
"id": "0DA7BAB9909E49828BB84079AA588AF8",
"idname": "237ACR000929"
"number": "S60948",
"type": {
}, "id": "D433A85FB6CD4880A1BCEEB1E164EFA4",
"name": "London",
"industry_sectordescription": null,
"Subscription for London customers",
"alternative_code": "LND"
"date_of_birthid": "F6E57574F61B406B974FFFE2E091B0C5",
"first_activated_date": "2016-06-09T15:01:03",
"rating_state": "PENDING"
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Expand |
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"subscription_identifier": {
"number" : "S0000000008"
"monthaction_type_identifier": null,{
"name": "Deactivate Normal Subscriptions"
"sub_action_type_identifier": {
"name": "Deactivate Normal Subscription"day":
null, },
"performed_by_unit_identifier": {
"alternative_code": "UC"
} |
Response: Code Block |
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| {
"yeardata": null{
"performed_by": null,
"action_type": {
}, "alternative_code": "DNS",
"name_day": "Deactivate Normal Subscriptions",
{"id": "FD2D0EE314F9492788A13FFDBA482793"
"transaction_reference_number": null,
"monthsubmitted_by": null,{
"person_name": "CRM COM",
"id": "day1":,
null "username": "MPAdministrator"
}, "executed_on": "2017-09-21T11:20:19",
"life_cycle_state": "EXECUTED",
"id_numbersubscription": {
null, "number": "S0000000008",
"idfirst_issuedactivated_by_countrydate": null,"2016-02-09T13:15:55",
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"scheduledestablished_date": "2016-09-15T15:49:59"
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"month": null, },
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"status": {
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"first_activated_date "description": "2016-06-09T15:01:03",
"rating_statemessage": "PENDING"
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