Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R10.0.0 |
total_amount | Number | The total amount of the retrieved purchase customer event |
net_amount | Number | The total net amount of the retrieved purchase customer event |
vat_amount | Number | The total VAT amount of the retrieved purchase customer event |
total_awarded_amount | Number | The total amount that was awarded for that purchase customer event Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R13.1.0 |
requested_spend_amount | Number | The amount requested to be spent by the specified customer event in system currency Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R17.0.0 |
requested_spend_alternative_amount | Number | The amount requested to be spent by the specified customer event in alternative currency Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R17.0.0 |
total_awarded_alternative_amount | Number | The total amount that was awarded for the customer event in the alternative currency. Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R17.0.0 |
total_spend_amount | Number | The total amount that was spent on that purchase customer event. The total spend amount = Total instant spend amount + Total automatic spend amount + Total additional spend amount Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R13.1.0 |
total_spend_alternative_amount | Number | The total alternative amount that was spent on that purchase customer event. The total spend alternative amount = Total instant spend alternative amount + Total automatic spend alternative amount + Total additional spend alternative amount Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R17.0.0 |
total_instant_spend_amount | Number | The total amount that was spent instantly on that purchase customer event Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R13.1.0 |
total_instant_spend_alternative_amount | Number | The total alternative amount that was spent instantly on that purchase customer event Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R17.0.0 |
total_automatic_spend_amount | Number | The total amount that was spent automatically on that purchase customer event, if the automatic awards spending is allowed Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R13.1.0 |
total_automatic_spend_alternative_amount | Number | The total alternative amount that was spent automatically on that purchase customer event, if the automatic awards spending is allowed Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R17.0.0 |
total_additional_spend_amount | Number | The total amount that was spent additionally on that purchase customer event Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R13.1.0 |
total_additional_spend_alternative_amount | Number | The total alternative amount that was spent additionally on that purchase customer event Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R17.0.0 |
| Boolean | It determines if instant spend offers should be disabled (i.e. not applied) or not. By default all instant spend offers are applied if their conditions are met. Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R14.4.0 |
classification | Customer Event Classification Object | The classification of the customer event Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R9.0.0 |
accounts_receivable | Accounts receivable Object | The related accounts receivable |
performed_by_unit | Unit Object | The unit that initiated the customer event Tip |
Deprecated from CRM.COM R18.0.0 |
performed_by_business_unit | Business Unit Object | The business unit that initiated the customer event Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R18.0.0 |
performed_by_tap | Transaction Acquiring Point Object | The transaction acquiring point that initiated the customer event Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R17.0.0 |
authorized_by_access_token | Access Token Object | The access token that was used to identify and authorize the customer Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R15.0.0 Deprecated from CRM.COM R18.0.0 |
log_information | Log Information Object | The log information related with the retrieved |