Name | Description | Value |
id | Unique Identifier. | Any |
name | Entity name. | Any |
description | Entity description. | Any |
tablename | The database table name which corresponds to the entity. | Any of the database table names that exist in the database |
classname | The path of the data class. | Any of the data classes that corresponds to the entity |
typeentityid | The identifier of a related entity where corresponds to the type information of the current entity. | Any of the entity ids defined in the entities metadata file |
statusentityid | The identifier of a related entity where corresponds to the status information of the current entity. | Any of the entity ids defined in the entities metadata file |
stateentityid | The identifier of a related entity where corresponds to the state information of the current entity. | Any of the entity ids defined in the entities metadata file |
categoryentityid | The identifier of a related entity where corresponds to the category information of the current entity. | Any of the entity ids defined in the entities metadata file |
masterentityid | The id of the top most entity/ Multiple entities | Any entity id / MULTIPLE_ENTITIES |
moduleid | The identifier of the module the entity belongs to. | Any of the module ids defined in the modules metadata file |
qlfilter | SQL conditions, that the collection that are added to, will be filtered out by, when retrieved by a segment | Any valid SQL criterion |
ownergroupfieldsql | SQL script that calculates the owner group id field when masterentityid value is MULTIPLE_ENTITIES | Any valid SQL script |
privacylevelfieldsql | SQL script that calculates the privacy level id field when masterentityid value is MULTIPLE_ENTITIES | Any valid SQL script |
metadatafile | The name of the metadata file the entity belongs to. | Any of the metadata file name defined in the fields metadata folder |
csrexcluded | Defines if this entity will be excluded or not from the Conditional Security Restrictions (CSR) mechanism. The default value is false. | true, false |
plarexcluded | Defines if this entity will be excluded or not from the Privacy Level Assignment Rules (PLAR) mechanism. The default value is false. | true, false |
acrexcluded | Defines if this entity will be excluded or not from the Automatic Collaboration Rules (ACR) mechanism. The default value is false. | true, false |
audittrailexcluded | Defines if this entity will be excluded or not from the Audit Trail Mechanism. The default value is false. | true, false |
segmentincluded | Defines if this entity will be excluded or not from the Segmentation Mechanism. The default value is false. | true, false |
notificationclassification | The classification of the entity notification. | Any module id |
tag | Defines the entity's tag that can be used to refer to the entity in queries and communication texts. | Any entity |
unrestrictedtagincluded | Defines if the entity can use unrestricted tags. The default value is false. | true, false |
dynamiclinktagincluded | Defines if the entity can use dynamic links. The default value is false. | true, false |
alertincluded | Defines if the entity will be included in alerts mechanism. The default value is false. | true, false |
webhooksincluded | Defines if the entity will be included in webhooks mechanism. The default value is false. | true, false |
approvalincluded | Defines if the entity will be included in approvals mechanism. The default value is false. | true, false |
workflowruleincluded | Defines if the entity will be included in workflow rule mechanism. The default value is false. | true, false |
isarchived | Defines if the entity can be archived using the Archiving Utility. The default value is false. | true, false |
archiverelatedentities | Defines the identifiers of the related entities when isarchived is set to true. | Any of the entity ids defined in the entities metadata file |
dataentrypagexmlfile | Defines the entity's data entry page. | Any of the data entry page file path |
crmuiclassname | Defines the User Interface class name of the entity. | Any of the class names |
crmuiloadmethod | Defines the User Interface method of the entity. | Any of the methods included in class name |