(mandatory) | String | Defines if a new or existing information will be updated.The supported values are the following: ADD, UPDATE, REMOVE |
address_identifier (mandatory and applicable only on update or remove) | Address Identifier | The identifier of the contact information address to be updated. The supported address identifier fields are the following: Include Page |
| address_identifier |
| address_identifier |
type (mandatory and applicable only on add) | String | The type of the address which can be added HOME, BUSINESS, POBOX, CUSTOM1, CUSTOM2, CUSTOM3, CUSTOM4, CUSTOM5 |
postal_code (optional) | String | The postal code of the address |
street_name (mandatory) | String | The street name of the address |
street_number (optional) | String | The street number of the address |
floor (optional) | Integer | The floor of the address |
apartment_number (optional) | String | The apartment number of the address |
area (optional) | String | The area of the address |
town_city (optional) | String | The town / city of the address |
district (optional) | String | The district of the address |
municipality (optional) | String | The municipality of the address |
country_identifier (optional) | Country identifier | The country of the address. The allowed country identifier fields are the following: Include Page |
| country_identifier |
| country_identifier |
po_box (optional) | String | The PO box of the address |
po_box_postal_code (optional) | String | The PO box postal code of the address |
care_of (optional) | String | The care of person of the address | notesof the address |
udf_string_1 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_2 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_3 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_4 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_5 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_6 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_7 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_8 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_9 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_10 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_11 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_12 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_13 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_14 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_15 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_string_16 (optional) | String | User Defined Field of type String |
udf_float_1 (optional) | Float | User Defined Field of type Float |
udf_float_2 (optional) | Float | User Defined Field of type Float |
udf_float_3 (optional) | Float | User Defined Field of type Float |
udf_float_4 (optional) | Float | User Defined Field of type Float |
udf_date_1 (optional) | Date | User Defined Field of type Date |
udf_date_2 (optional) | Date | User Defined Field of type Date |
udf_date_3 (optional) | Date | User Defined Field of type Date |
udf_date_4 (optional) | Date | User Defined Field of type Date |