Name | Description | Value |
id | Unique Identifier. | Any |
name | Entity Namename. | Any |
description | Entity Descriptiondescription. | Any |
tablename | The Database database table name which corresponds to the entity. | Any of the database table name names that exists exist in the database |
classname | The path of the data class. | Any of the data classes that corresponds to the entity |
typeentityid | The identifier of a related entity where corresponds to the type information of the current entity. | Any of the entity ids defined in the entities metadata file |
statusentityid | The identifier of a related entity where corresponds to the status information of the current entity. | Any of the entity ids defined in the entities metadata file |
stateentityid | The identifier of a related entity where corresponds to the state information of the current entity. | Any of the entity ids defined in the entities metadata file |
categoryentityid | The identifier of a related entity where corresponds to the category information of the current entity. | Any of the entity ids defined in the entities metadata file |
masterentityid | The id of the top most entity./ Multiple entities | Any entity id / MULTIPLE_ENTITIES |
moduleid | The identifier of the module the entity belongs to. | Any of the module ids defined in the modules metadata file |
qlfilter | SQL conditions, that the collection that are added to, will be filtered out by, when retrieved by a segment | Any valid SQL criterion |
ownergroupfieldsql | SQL script that calculates the owner group id field when masterentityid value is MULTIPLE_ENTITIES | Any valid SQL script |
privacylevelfieldsql | SQL script that calculates the privacy level id field when masterentityid value is MULTIPLE_ENTITIES | Any valid SQL script |
metadatafile | The name of the metadata file the entity belongs to. | Any of the metadata file name defined in the fields metadata folder |
csrexcluded | Defines if this entity will be excluded or not from the Conditional Security Restrictions (CSR) are excluded or not from the ability to restrict features of the system related with the entitymechanism. The default value is false. | true or , false |
plarexcluded | Defines if any Privacy this entity will be excluded or not from the Privacy Level Assignment Rules (PLAR) are mechanism. The default value is false. | true, false |
acrexcluded | Defines if this entity will be excluded or not from the ability to automatically apply privacy levels on entity records. | true or false |
acrexcluded | Defines if Automatic Security Restrictions (ACR) are excluded or not from ability to automatically apply entity assignments. | true or false |
Automatic Collaboration Rules (ACR) mechanism. The default value is false. | true, false |
audittrailexcluded | Defines if this entity will be excluded or not from the Audit Trail Mechanism. The default value is false. | true, false |
segmentincluded | Defines if this entity will be excluded or not from the Segmentation Mechanism. The default value is false. | true, false |
notificationclassification | The classification of the entity notification. | Any module id |
tag | Defines the entity's tag that can be used to refer to the entity in queries and communication texts. | Any entity |
unrestrictedtagincluded | Defines if the entity can use unrestricted tags. The default value is false. | true, false |
dynamiclinktagincluded | Defines if the entity can use dynamic links. The default value is false. | true, false |
alertincluded | Defines if the entity will be included in alerts mechanism. The default value is false. | true, false |
webhooksincluded | Defines if the entity will be included in webhooks mechanism. The default value is false. | true, false |
approvalincluded | Defines if the entity will be included in approvals mechanism. The default value is false. | true, false |
workflowruleincluded | Defines if the entity will be included in workflow rule mechanism. The default value is false. | true, false |
isarchived | Defines if the entity can be archived using the Archiving Utility. The default value is false. | true, false |
archiverelatedentities | Defines the identifiers of the related entities when isarchived is set to true. | Any of the entity ids defined in the entities metadata file |
dataentrypagexmlfile | Defines the entity's data entry page. | Any of the data entry page file path |
crmuiclassname | Defines the User Interface class name of the entity. | Any of the class names |
crmuiloadmethod | Defines the User Interface method of the entity. | Any of the methods included in class name |