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Categories are used to classify communications and relate them to a business function such as inquiries, customer complaints or support issues. The classifications can be used to analyse incoming and outgoing customer calls handled by call center agents. The categories can be defined in a hierarchical structure, provide a unique name, a code and a description for the communications category. If the category is a parent category then leave 'parent' blank. Communication External SystemsCommunications External Systems define the third party systems (such as SMTP) which are allowed to access and process information (intended to be sent to customers) waiting in the communications queue. When a Communication is ready to be sent it is added to the queue, once it has been processed by the relevant external system the communications life-cycle state will be updated to reflect the successful delivery of the Communication, or set an error message if it failed to deliver.
Tracking SettingsEmails sent via CRM.COM can be tracked, and the communication information can be updated to reflect if the recipient opens an email communication or clicks on an included link. The email and the included links will be marked as Viewed in the communications 'Tracking Details' section, this applies only for communications that are in the 'Completed' life-cycle state. Marketing campaigns set up in CRM.COM using Communication Plans can also make use of the tracking feature which can be used to monitor campaign success, by reviewing how many customers have viewed the sent emails or clicked on campaign links. This is possible by using a simple dashboard tool which provides the links and emails viewed and clicks made. For more information refer to the Analytics manual. Tracking can either be enabled for all communications or only for those sent through Communication Plans.
Dynamic Links SettingsDynamic links allow customers to update specific CRM.COM information directly from their email. Customers can opt-in and out of mailing lists (complying with the GDPR) and accept service request responses and resolutions. Used in tandem with the event-based communication definition, the system can generate emails with dynamic links whenever a specific event occurs. E.g., request that a response provided to a service request is accepted by clicking on an email link. With dynamic links a business can customise every aspect of an email, provide a better customer experience, whilst simultaneously saving time. Each link uniquely identifies a Contact within CRM.COM, when the customer clicks on a particular link the system will be updated to reflect their choice.
When used in communications, if a dynamic link tag is typed manually without being enabled then a validation error is displayed when saving the communication.
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Activate the type of media communication to be used and setup email, SMS or device configuration depending on the required method of communication. Complete the subject and content areas based on the event information to be communicated.
- Category: (optional) Select the communication category.
- Processed by system: (optional) Select the Communication External System that will be used in order to process the communication. The queues that are displayed are filtered based on the specified media (see Communication External Systems configuration).
- Communication settings:
- Primary: The communication will be sent to the primary media option set by the customer (e.g. email, sms).
- Specific media type: The communication will be sent to the specific media type (if it exists).
- Specify content per language: Specify the language to be communicated in, you can provide different content per language and per media. See 72843388 Preferred language for further information.
- Subject: The subject of the communication. Communication tags can be used.
- Content: The message to be communicated. Communication tags can be used.
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Communication tags can be used to generate the subject and content of a communication. Tags are predefined and are replaced with actual values when the communication is sent. Select a tag from the available list near the 'Subject' and 'Content' areas, or use the auto-complete feature - when '#' is typed the system automatically populates a list with the relevant tags which could be used. See 72843388 Personalising communication content for more information. Tags can be relevant to contact details, referred entities, dates, dynamic links (which activate specific actions in CRM.COM), and 72843388 Unrestricted tags which allow for custom tags. By using tags agents can quickly and easily create personalised communications for their customers. |
Using Communications
Once a communication has been created it is placed in a communication queue and either processed immediately through CRM.COM (sent by email or SMS directly to the recipient), or processed by a third-party system such as a web portal or mobile app. The third-party system will retrieve the communication from the queue and update it once the communication has been received by the customer.
Although Communications may be created using various methods throughout the system, they can however all be viewed through the Communications screen.
Creating and sending manual communications
Info |
CRM > Communications > Manage Communications |
Use the search criteria to locate the required communications. Communications can only be viewed, they cannot be amended.
There is an option to send a 72843388follow up communication (via Actions) to the customer, where a new communication is created referring to the initial one.
The following communication life cycle states reflect the state of the communication queue entry:
- Draft - The communication is unfinished and not ready to be sent yet.
- Pending - The communication is ready to be sent but has not yet been handled by the third-party system.
- Completed - The communication has been successfully delivered by the third-party system (e.g., mobile app or web portal inbox) or the recipient's inbox or phone.
- Rejected - The delivery was not successful, an error occurred during the transfer of the communication to the customer's device or inbox by the third-party system.
To create a manual communication:
- Navigate to the Manage Communications screen and select New. Communications are by default created as 'outgoing' and in 'draft' state.
- Contact: The person or company for which the communication is being created for. Only existing contacts can be used.
- Category: Select the communication category.
- Media: Select the form of communication (e.g. email, SMS, etc.), and provide the 'To' (email or phone) where applicable.
- Processed by System: Select the Communication External System that will be used in order to process the communication. Only those supporting the media will be available for selection.
- Subject/Content: Type the subject and/or message content to be communicated. Note that tags cannot be used for the content on this screen.
- Attachments: If attachments need to be sent then the necessary files must be uploaded using the 'Add file' option.
- Security Information: The business unit that owns the communication.
- Save the communication, or select Save as draft to update the communication again at a later stage.
Once a communication has been saved it is sent directly to the recipient. Communications handled by external systems are sent to the communication queue for further processing. To update a draft communication, locate the communication and select Edit, complete the required information and either select Save to send the communication or Save as draft to return and update it again later.
Email communications can be written by using the WYSIWYG editor, an easy to use editor that allows you to format your email's content whilst simultaneously seeing how the email will be viewed by the customer.
Communication Plans
A Communication Plan is a detailed marketing strategy that outlines the target audience through customer segments and the message that an an organisation needs to promote in order to increase their customer's engagement and drive the desired outcome (e.g. inform customers about new reward offers, or their available wallet balance), whilst complying to the customer's data protection options in regards to direct and affiliate marketing. Communications from such plans can be sent immediately, or scheduled to be sent automatically at a future time or on a recurring basis.
Info |
CRM > Communications > Manage Communication Plans |
Supply criteria to locate a particular communication plan, or select Search to see all available communication plans.
To create a communication plan:
- Select New from the Manage Communication Plans screen.
- Name: The unique name of the communication plan.
- Code: The code for the communication plan, if left blank the system will provide one automatically.
- Description: A brief description of the communication plan.
- Validity: Optionally define the validity of the communications that will be created through the communication plan. Communications will expire on the specific date and this expiration date will be set on the related communication as well. The date should be after today's date.
- Copy communication information from existing plan: Select and copy an existing communication plan to save time (if a similar one exists).
Communicate via Media Email / Communicate via Media SMS / Communicate via Media Device
The setup here is the same as for Event-based Communication Rules, refer to 72843388 relevant section for Communicate via media for further information.
Settings: Define whether the contact's data protection options regarding marketing material should be applied or overridden.
- Apply contact data protection for direct marketing: Enable if the contact's choice to receive direct marketing material will be taken into consideration.
- Apply contact data protection for affiliate marketing: Enable if the contact's choice to receive affiliate marketing material will be taken into consideration.
Additional communication plan information
- Conditions: Define who should receive the communication plan message content.
- Included in segments: A list of segments which will be used to identify the customers to be contacted with the communication plan information.
- Excluded segments: A list of segments identifying the customers to be excluded from the communication plan.
- Scheduled communication plans: View when the next communication plan batch run is scheduled for.
- Performed communication plans: View communication plan processes that have already been executed with accompanying information.
- Matched items: View the customers who match the selection criteria (segment results) for the communication plan. These are the customers who will be contacted.
- Security information
- Owned by business unit: The business unit that owns the communication plan.
Scheduling Communication Plans
From the Communication Plan screen select Actions > Schedule communication plans. Set the scheduling information, options include to run now, on a specified date, after a unit of time, and when to be repeated details. Save when you have finished with your settings, the Communication Plan will run as scheduled. Also ensure that the scheduler is running, for more information on the scheduler refer to the Utilities manual.
The communication results will be visible on the CRM > Communications > Manage Communications screen.
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In addition to the Communications specific settings, the following may be configured for communications to operate at its full capacity.
Sending automatic communications upon an event
Event based communications ensure that your customers will receive a communication upon various actions either for informative, marketing or handling purposes. Event based communications are made up of rules, events, and conditions that activate email, SMS or device communications to be sent to customers. Set up event based communications and let the system automatically handle the routine communications.
Complying with customer communication preferences
Keeping your customers updated with your services and products or any marketing and loyalty related campaigns is important; however it is imperative that you respect your customers' preference with regard to whether they wish to be notified or not. Contacts can opt-in and out of communications regarding direct (in-house) and affiliate (partner) marketing campaigns, however, they cannot opt out of communications regarding financial matters, such as bills. When a communication is very important it's possible to override the contact's preferences.
Setting Contact authorisation settings
Authorisation preferences (set in Contacts, Preferences & Relations section) specifies whether customers would like to be contacted regarding direct or affiliate marketing material.Communication runs take into consideration the Contact communication preferences when the Apply Contact Data Protection for Direct Marketing or Apply Contact Data Protection for Affiliate Marketing setting is enabled in the Communication Plan. If it's not enabled then the system will communicate with the customer regardless of the contact preferences.
Additional Processes and Automations for Communications
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Following up on a communication
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Follow up |
Chains of communications are particularly useful especially when they are addressing the same subject, whether this is a customer request about services, reporting of an issue etc.. Chains of communications are possible by following up an existing communication through the respective screen. The action is used to follow-up completed communications and group together those that refer to the same issue. When a communication is followed-up, the communication number of the initial communication is associated to the follow-up through the 'Referring To' communication field.
To follow up a communication click on (CRM > Communications > Manage Communications > locate and View the communication) Follow Up from the Actions menu and proceed to create the new communication manually.
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Personalising communication content
Personalising communication content | |
Personalising communication content |
The power of communications generated in CRM.COM lies in the use of communication tags which can be used in communication message. Tags can be used to generate the subject and content of a communication and ensure its appropriate formatting. Tags are replaced by data kept on the related contact or referred entities, personalising the communication with information specific to the customer.
Tags must be preceded by the '#' symbol, then start typing one of the available tags - the system will populate the list with relevant tags, the list is filtered as more text is entered. Tags must be preceded and followed by one space in communications.
For example, you can create an email for customers containing their name and balance information by supplying the content using the available tags, such as, #accounts_receivable_number, #accounts_receivable.outstanding_amount and #accounts_receivable.wallet.balance.
Refer to Communication Tags for a complete list of communication tags.
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Using unrestricted parameters in communications
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Unrestricted tags |
If in your communications you wish to use terms which are repeated (but not values used in the system) then you should use unrestricted tags. An unrestricted tag is a special type of free text communication tag which is not replaced by values saved in the system. Values for unrestricted tags are specific to each communication but a custom implementation is necessary in order to use unrestricted parameters.
This section will be available only if one or more unrestricted tags are present in the subject or body of a communication content. Click ADD MISSING UNRESTRICTED PARAMETERS to add tags that were not added automatically and provide a value for them.
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Communicating using a customer's preferred language
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Preferred language |
The same communication plan message content can be written in several languages. Subject to availability, the system will attempt to customise the communication by using the customer's preferred language. If the message content is not available in the preferred language, the communication is sent using the default system language.
Setting a preferred language for the customer
- Navigate to CRM > Contacts, locate and edit the contact's information.
- In the general information area, select a language from the Preferred Language drop-down list.
- Save your changes.
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The languages available in the system are defined under Configuration > System Settings > Set up General Settings > Supported Languages and Countries. |
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Handling communications through external systems (portals, mobile apps)
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External systems |
External systems are third-party web portals or mobile apps which can access and send entries kept in the communications queue (a list of all outgoing communications) directly, without having to go through CRM.COM. Depending on the external system you are setting up, you can define the maximum number of characters accepted by the external system (Message Character Count Limit), however, it should be noted that attempts to add Communications with incompatible media or exceeding the character limits will be rejected by the queue.
Email and SMS communications (generated from manual communications, event based communications or communication plans) are sent to the communication queue and are either processed directly through CRM.COM or by an external system defined in the communication. Third-party systems must integrate with CRM.COM using the available CRM.COM WEB APIs.
Once the communication is processed, the queue entry is marked as 'Completed' or 'Rejected' (so that it is not processed again). Communications in a 'Pending' or 'Completed' life cycle state that are in the queue and were viewed by their recipients can be set as 'Completed and Removed' by the third-party system through the Web API (so that it is not viewed again).
All communications include an expiration date. Communications that have expired (even if they have not yet been sent) are no longer available in the communication queue and therefore will not be picked up by external systems to be delivered. Communications created from communication plan runs will inherit the expiration date provided in the communication plan. This is especially useful when you are running a campaign with an expiration date and thus will ensure that customer's won't receive the communication if the campaign has already finished.
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The 'Completed and Removed' life cycle state is available for use by third-party systems. It is used to mark communications that have been viewed and selected to be deleted from the customer's portal or mobile app inbox. Use the communications WEB APIs to manage communications from an external system, such as a customer portal. Refer to the the Communications WEB APIs for a comprehensive list of available actions. |
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