Name | Type | Description | code | String | The code of the Workflow Rule Action which can either be UPDATE INFORMATION, SEND ALERTS, SET APPROVALS, TRIGGER WEBHOOKS. | field | String | The field which is related to the Workflow Rule Action but only if the action has a code UPDATE INFORMATION. It defines the Entity field being updated by the Workflow Rule Action. | value | String | The value to which the Entity instance will be updated to. Applicable only if the action has a code UPDATE INFORMATION | webhook_definitiondefinitions | Set of Webhook Definition ObjectObjects | The set of Webhook Definition Definitions which is are triggered by the action. Applicable only if the action has a code TRIGGER WEBHOOKS. | approval_definitions | Set of Approval Definition Objects | The set of Approval Definitions which are triggered by the action. Applicable only if the action has a code SET APPROVALS, | alert_definitions | Set of Alert Definition Objects | The set of Alert Definitions which are triggered by the action. Applicable only if the action has a code SEND ALERTS |
Anchor |
| workflow rule actions referred objects |
| workflow rule actions referred objects |
| Referred Objects Response Data
Include Page |
| webhook_definition_short |
| webhook_definition_short |
Include Page |
| alert_definition_short |
| alert_definition_short |
Include Page |
| approval_definition_short |
| approval_definition_short |