Name | Type | Description | total_balance | Number | The balance of the retrieved wallet which represents the amount of money moved to the wallet, initiated in the specified currency only | conditional_balance | Number | The conditional balance of the retrieved wallet in wallet currency which represents the amount of money moved to the wallet, initiated in the specified currency only | unconditional_balance | Number | The unconditional balance of the retrieved wallet in wallet currency which represents the amount of money moved to the wallet, initiated in the specified currency only | amount_on_hold | Number | The amount in wallet currency that is not yet available for consumption due to validity restrictions, which represents the amount of money moved to the wallet, initiated in the specified currency only | currency | Currency Object | The wallet's specified currency | allotment_group_conditions_set | Set of Wallet Allotment Group Condition Objects | Information related with the amount allotted by the wallet grouped by the conditions related with the each allotted amount |
Anchor |
| wallet_balance_breakdown |
| wallet_balance_breakdown |
| Referred Objects Response Data
Include Page |
| currency_short |
| currency_short |
Include Page |
| wallet_allotments_per_initiated_currency_short |
| wallet_allotments_per_initiated_currency_short |