

The module is used to configure supported currencies. A default currency is set under Admin General Settings and used to express prices and rates for plans, usage service catalogs, reward offers and additive discounts.  Unless an alternative currency is specified otherwise when the account is created, accounts receivable use the default currency is used.

A currency must have an 'Effective' life cycle state and an exchange rate to be used on an account.  The life cycle state of a currency is 'Not Effective' by default and can be toggled through the actions Set As Effective and Set As Not Effective in the Currencies page.   


Main Information

Prefix: Symbol before the value (e.g.,10,00)

Suffix: Symbol after the value (e.g.,10,00 )

Integer Part Name (e.g., euro)

Decimal Part Name (e.g., cent)

Minimum Required Number of Exchange Rate Decimals

Rounding Options:  For expressing a value in a currency other than the default.  Enable 'Apply Rounding' and select the rounding method ('Round-up', 'Round-down', 'Round Half-up'). The integer and decimal scale can be defined.


Define periods with a specific currency rate expressed in terms of the CRM.COM default currency.
Multiple periods can be configured for each currency. Each currency rate period includes:

Rate: The price of the selected currency in terms of the system's default currency (e.g., €1 = $1.16(default)).

Inverse rate: The price of the default currency in terms of the selected currency. This is dynamically calculated and cannot be edited. (E.g., $1(default) = €0.866).

'From' and' To' Date: Define the period during which the rate will apply and will be used for billing customers.

When creating a new period for a currency rate: 


  • The system's default currency defined under 'Admin General Settings' cannot be assigned currency rate periods.
  • Each currency can only be defined once in the list of currencies.
  • Only one currency rate period can apply at a time. 
System Processing
  • The period's start date is set to the system's current date and the end date is left empty. 
  • The end date of the previously open period is set to the system's current date (defining it as closed).
  • The inverse rate is calculated using the currency rate that was manually specified by the user.


Main Information

Address Registry System: CRM.COM is integrated with Melissa Data to provide address auto-completion and verification.

Account ID: A unique ID provided by the address registry system.

State: Determines whether the address registry is enabled.

Logging Method for requests sent to the address registry system:

  • Log Request Calls Only (default) with user and date/time information. 
  • Log Requests and Responses with user and date/time information.

Auto-Suggestion Settings


Define whether the feature should be enabled.

Applicable Address Fields

Define the fields that will trigger the feature once the user starts typing a value. At least one field must be specified.

Allowed Organisational UnitsUnits with access to the feature.

Lookup Settings

GeneralDefine whether the feature should be enabled.
Allowed Organisational UnitsUnits with access to the feature.

Verification Settings


Define whether the feature should be enabled.

Verification Method  

Determines whether new or edited addresses should be verified automatically, or whether users should have to request verification (default).

Allowed Organisational UnitsUnits with access to the feature.

Allowed Application Servers

(Available if more than one server is registered)

Multiple servers can be added. It is not mandatory to add 'Allowed' application servers. If none are added, all the registered servers are allowed.

Application Server (filtered on the organization group of the logged in user)

Added By: User (set automatically)

Added On: The date on which the added server was enabled (set automatically).


System Settings

Contact Information of type 'Company'.

Company Logo: Displayed across the system on the right of the Top menu and in reports and printouts.

  • Valid dimensions are 130px (width) * 70px (height).
  • A photo editor (such as Paint) can be used to adjust the size.
  • A transparency layer can be added to retain the ratio.
  • Default Country used by the system during the creation of records if no alternative is supplied by the user.

Default Currency used by the system during the creation of records if no alternative is supplied by the user.
Currency can only be set once, during the first general settings configuration and then becomes read-only.

Default Home Page displayed after login if no alternative is specified by the user. The 'Organisation's default page' is also an option. 

Enable Hot Keys:  

  • New (CTRL+ALT+N): Summary and Data Entry page
  • Save (CTRL+ALT+S): Data Entry page
  • Edit (CTRL+ALT+E): Data Entry page
  • Back (CTRL+ALT+B): Data Entry page
  • Home (CTRL+ALT+H)
  • Close (CTRL+ALT+X): Modal windows
  • Cancel (CTRL+ALT+C): Data Entry page

Disable Automatic Search: Stops the display of quick search results after the last keystroke.

Automatic Search Delay Time (msec): The period between the last keystroke and the display of search results.

Time Zone: Defined as a combination of UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) offset and DST (Daylight Saving Time). The supported options are populated based on the Olson Time Zone IDs. UTC is the default.
Time zone can only be set once and then becomes read-only.

Language Settings
Default System Language: Used to translate labels, tips, warnings and error messages across CRM.COM software, including the values of configurable boxes and radio buttons.
The default system language is applied to users that have not selected another system language.

Default Native Language: Used to translate additional information for each label (displayed when the mouse is placed over a specific label) across CRM.COM software.
The default native language is applied to all users that have not selected another native language.

Supported Languages: 'Check' to make available for selection for users or contact information.

System Restrictions

Default Number of Threads for Batch Processes (where the number is not explicitly defined by the batch process)

Max Number of Records for Super Users: The maximum number of rows that can be retrieved (through the UI or Web API) by super users on each call.  The restriction does not apply to reports or printouts.

Max Number of Records for Normal Users: The maximum number of rows that can be retrieved (through the UI or Web API) by general users on each call.  This is also validated during the configuration of the number of rows that can be retrieved per Summary page.  The restriction does not apply to reports or printouts.

Upload Max File Size (KB) 

Allowed File Types (which can be uploaded to the system).

System Information

(Read-only information related to the database)

Organisation Name

Database Name

Database Type

Database Version Number

Application Version Number
