
Learn how you can configure and execute Notification Runs

What does this section cover?

Table of Contents

What are Notification Runs?

Notification Runs are used to log the execution of notification run definitions, that were performed in order to generate notifications and all the information that the notification is referring to.

Notification Runs can be performed only within an effective notification run definition.

A new Notification Run is created each time a recurring Notification Run Definitions is submitted. Whenever a run has been submitted, the notification run added to the scheduler to be executed based on the specified run definition scheduling.

In order to modify the scheduling information of a submitted Notification Run you can Edit the definition. 

Creating, Editing & Deleting Validations & Restrictions

ActionValidationsAdditional Information
  • Multiple Notification Run Definitions can exist in the system, but each one should have a unique name and alternative code.
  • On creating a new Notification Run, you can select between, 2 different type of Notification Runs and according to the selected Run then different criteria will be made  available
    • Financial Notification Process Definition
      • Accounts Receivable
      • Wallet
      • Subscription
      • Notification
      • Segment
      • Notification History
    • Customer Care Notification Process Definition
      • Segments
      • Notification History

For more information on criteria check out the Notification Run Attributes table below

  • The information that can be specified on notification run definitions depends on the classification of the selected notification type.
  • Notifications Type selected should be related with a Communication Template with the following types of tags:
    • On communicating financial notifications
      • Notification, Contact Information and Accounts Receivable tags
    • On communicating customer care notifications
      • Notification,  Contact Information and the entity tags of the entity that is included in the related notification item
  • If there is at least one scheduled or completed notification run using the notification run definition latest instance then a new notification run definition instance is created
  • Notification run definitions cannot be deleted if there at least one scheduled or completed notification run for that definition.
  • Mandatory Fields:
    • Name
    • Notification Type
      • Customer Care Notifications :
        At least one segment MUST be specified (Either in Included or Excluded)
    • Financial Notifications
      At least one criterion MUST be specified (from any of the available criteria)
    • Scheduling Settings

Notification Run attributes 



 Name*The name of the notification run definition
Alternative CodeThe alternative code of the notification run definition
DescriptionA description of the notification run definition
Life Cycle StateThe life cycle state of the notification run definition. The supported values are effective and not effective. Only effective notification run definitions can be used to generate notifications
Unified CodeAn auto-generated code which is used to group the various instances of the notification run definitions
VersionAn auto-generated number which is used to specify the version of each notification run definition. New notification run definition versions are created each time they are edited, if they are already been used to generate notifications
Scheduled DateThis is a read only field which is available once you schedule a Run. The date provided shows the latest date that the run is scheduled to be executed.
Notification Type*

The type of notification that will be created whenever the notification run definitions are used to generate notifications.
The list of available Notification Types will be filtered according to the Type of Run selected

  • Customer Care Process Notification Run
  • Financial Process Notification Run
Scheduling Settings*

Determines when the process run definition should be applied. Process run definitions can be applied ad-hoc or on a recurring basis. Scheduling settings hold the following information:

  • Method: It provides the following options. For each option different settings are provided:
    • Run now
    • Run on specific Date / Time
    • Repeat
    • Advanced Repeat
Criteria - Segment Criteria
Included in Segment

A list of segments which are used to filter in the contact information or the accounts receivable that will be notified, and optionally the notification information. The criteria consist of the following:

  • Filtered entity: A select box displaying the main notification entity (i.e. contact information or Accounts receivable) and the entity which is selected in the notification information. The specified entity will be filtered while evaluating the results
  • Segment: A select box with all the segments having the selected filtered entity as the segment entity
Not Included in Segment

A list of segments which are used to excluded the contact information or the accounts receivable that will be notified, and optionally the notification information. Its criteria consist the same as in "Included in Segment"

Criteria - Notification History Criteria
Notified Previously

Defines a list of notifications that should already be generated in the past. It consist of the following values:

  • Notification Type: The type of the notification
  • Life Cycle State: The life cycle state of the notification. The default value is the completed.
  • Created less than X UOT ago: measured in minutes, days, weeks, months or years
  • Created more than X UOT ago: measured in minutes, days, weeks, months or years
Not Notified Previously

Defines a list of notifications that should not already exist. Its values are the same as in "Notified Previously"

Criteria - Accounts Receivable Criteria
Accounts Receivable Balance

It filters the accounts receivable based on their balance. Two options are available, which can be used combined:

  • More than: checks for a value that is more than or equal to the one specified (≥)
  • Less than: checks for a value that is less than to the one specified (<)
Accounts Receivable Outstanding Amount

It filters the accounts receivable based on their outstanding amount and a specific due date. Two options are available, which can be used combined:

  • More than: checks for a value that is more than or equal to the one specified (≥)
  • Less than: checks for a value that is less than to the one specified (<)

The due date can be specified in one of the following ways:

  • Due in X Days: Checks for accounts that are due in up to the date that equals to (current date + X). For example, if the current date is the 23rd and you specify X=5, then it checks for accounts due up to the 28th.
  • Due X days ago: Checks for accounts that were due up to the date that equals to (current date - X). For example, if the current date is the 23rd and you specify X=5, then it retrieves accounts that were due up to the 18th.
Accounts Receivable ClassificationIt filters the accounts receivable based on a list of accounts receivable classifications
titleDeprecated from CRM.COM-R11.0.0 onwards

Accounts Receivable Credit Rating
It filters the accounts receivable based on a list of accounts receivable credit ratings
Criteria - Notification Criteria
Total Outstanding Amount per Notification

It filters the notifications that will be created based on the total outstanding amount of each notification, as calculated based on the related invoices. Two options are available, which can be used combined:

  • More than: checks for a value that is more than or equal to the one specified (≥)
  • Less than: checks for a value that is less than to the one specified (<)
Criteria - Wallet Criteria
Wallet Balance

It filters the accounts receivable based on the wallet balance of wallets owned by that account.  Two options are available, which can be used combined:

  • More than: checks for a value that is more than or equal to the one specified (≥)
  • Less than: checks for a value that is less than to the one specified (<)
Wallet Estimated Consumption Days

It filters the accounts receivable based on the wallet estimated consumption days of wallets owned by that account.  Two options are available, which can be used combined:

  • More than: checks for a value that is more than or equal to the one specified (≥)
  • Less than: checks for a value that is less than to the one specified (<)
Wallet Product Estimated Consumption Days

It filters the accounts receivable based on the wallet product estimated consumption days of wallets owned by that account.  Two options are available, which can be used combined:

  • More than: checks for a value that is more than or equal to the one specified (≥)
  • Less than: checks for a value that is less than to the one specified (<)
Criteria - Subscription Criteria
Subscription Types

It filters the accounts receivable based on the type of subscriptions owned by the accounts receivable. Multiple subscription types can be defined. 

Billing Term SchemesIt filters the accounts receivable based on the billing term schemes of subscriptions owned by the accounts receivable. Multiple billing term schemes can be defined.
titleDeprecated from CRM.COM-R11.0.0 onwards

Price Plans
It filters the accounts receivable based on the price plans of subscriptions owned by the accounts receivable. Multiple price plans can be defined.
titleDeprecated from CRM.COM-R11.0.0 onwards

Billing Frequencies
It filters the accounts receivable based on the billing frequencies of subscriptions owned by the accounts receivable. Multiple billing frequencies can be defined.
titleDeprecated from CRM.COM-R11.0.0 onwards

Binding Periods
It filters the accounts receivable based on the binding periods of subscriptions owned by the accounts receivable. Multiple binding periods can be defined.
titleDeprecated from CRM.COM-R11.0.0 onwards

Binding State
It filters the accounts receivable based on the binding state of subscriptions owned by the accounts receivable.
Notification Runs
Notification Run informationIt displays all the notification runs which were performed based on the specific notification run definition and displays all the notification run information as described in Configuring and Executing Notification Runs
  • Configuring a Notification Run tailored to your company's needs

  • Either search for an existing one or from the Top Menu click on "NEW" 
    Notification Runs


    • Provide the required information

      • Name

      • Alternative Code

      • Notification Type

      • Life Cycle State: Is automatically set

      • Version: Is automatically set to 1 (for new notification runs)
      • Description


    • Provide the required information
    • Accounts Receivable

      • Outstanding Amount

      • Balance
      • Classifications: Click on Add and search and select classifications using the Search Modal
      • Credit Ratings

    • Wallet

      • Balance
      • Estimated Consumption Days
      • Product Estimated Consumption Days

    • Subscription

      • Subscription Types: Click on Add and search and select subscription types using the Search Modal
      • Billing Term Schemes: Click on Add and search and select billing term schemes using the Search Modal
      • Price Plans: Click on Add and search and select price plans using the Search Modal
      • Billing Frequencies
      • Binding Periods
      • Binding States

    • Notification

      • Outstanding Amount Per Notification

    • Segment

      • Included in Segments
      • Excluded in Segments

    • Notification History

      • Notified Previously
      • Not Notified Previously


    Include Page
    Scheduler Task - Global
    Scheduler Task - Global


    • Provide the required information
      • Maximum batch size
      • Start again after X UOT (seconds, minutes, days)


    Include Page
    WIP:Log Information - Global
    WIP:Log Information - Global

  • From the top menu click on "Save"
  • Executing a Notification Run

Include Page
Executing Runs - Global
Executing Runs - Global

  • Modifying a Notification Run

Include Page

  • Deleting a Notification Run

  • Deleting a scheduled job of the specific Run

Include Page
Deleting a Run- Global
Deleting a Run- Global

  • Changing the Life Cycle State of a Notification Run definition

Include Page
Change Life Cycle State of a Run definition - Global
Change Life Cycle State of a Run definition - Global

  • Reading Notification Run Logs

  • Search for an existing Notification Run that has been executed
  • Process Runs

    • The following information is available regarding the Notification Run
      • Number: The number of the notification run
      • Version: The Notification Run Definition's version
      • Life Cycle State: The Life Cycle State of the Notification Run
      • Start Date: The date when the Run started
      • End Date: The date when the Run ended
      • Process Successfully: Drill down including the notifications created successfully. 
      • Processed With Errors: Drill down including the entities that were not successfully processed thus no notifications were created for the specified entities


        Visit Creating Notifications to find out more information regarding created Notifications.

        Notification Runs - Creating Notifications



Visit /wiki/spaces/WIP/pages/10010220 Notifications for business examples related to Notification Runs


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