
Learn how you can to configure and execute Prepaid Billing Run RunRuns


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Table of Contents

Navigating to Prepaid Billing Runs


What is Prepaid Billing Run ?

The Prepaid billing run Billing Run is a billing mechanism in which is used in cases where customers pay in advance and then they can start using the services that they subscribed to, by deducting the used amount from the paid amount, using the wallets module.Prepaid billing run is usually performed on a daily basis and for the Services they buy or are subscribed to. The Prepaid Billing Run debits the customer's Wallet.

The Prepaid Billing Run is usually performed on a daily basis and is responsible to:

  • Identify the service Service usage 
  • Rate the used servicesServices
  • Debit the related wallets Wallets based on that usage

Optionally the prepaid billing run canAdditional optional actions:

  • Status
    titleApplicable up to R9
     -  Stop subscription services which are left with no wallet creditStop Subscription Services whose Wallet credit has run out
  • Status
    titleApplicable up to R9
     - Start services which were stopped and are now having enough wallet creditEstimate the date that the wallet - Re-Start Services which were stopped due to insufficient Wallet credit which has now been restored
  • Estimate the date on which the Wallet amount will be consumed by the subscription servicesSubscription Services, based on their existing usage and billing term schemesBilling Term Schemes



Bills or

financial transactions

Financial Transactions are generated by the

prepaid billing run and unlike 

Prepaid Billing Run. Unlike Normal Billing Runs,

 Prepaid billing run is

 which can be used to bill both Jobs and Subscriptions, Prepaid Billing Runs are only applicable on Subscriptions.

Visit Interpreting

View Understanding Prepaid Billing Run Execution Steps for a


thorough description of all the processes available


within Prepaid Billing Runs.

Once the Billing Run is created it must be submitted to be executed, either once or on a recurring basis, based on the defined Scheduling Settings. Once a Run is executed, Results will be logged in the respective tab.

The user has the option to delete the specific run as long as it is not yet executed (still in a 'Draft' state).

  • Navigate to
  • Normal Billing Runs and explore existing
  • entries via the Summary page. 
  • Click on the link (name or number) of the

  • entry of your interest to

  • access the Data Entry page and

have a better look of the available information.
  • see more detail, or submit the Billing Run. 

  • Use the Actions Menu to create a

new (NEW) Prepaid Billing Run, or modify an existing one if not already executed 
  •  NEW Run, or modify (EDIT) a Draft Billing Run.

Use the (BACK) link to go back
  • Use BACK to return to the

  • Summary page

and (
  • and CANCEL

  •  to

  • revert any unwanted changes made to the

Prepaid Billing Runs. Check out the attributes table
  • Definition.

Check the Validations & Restrictions Table below for a thorough explanation of the information kept for Prepaid Billing Runs and the Validations&Restrictions table to find out validations and restrictions applicable list of available Actions when working with Prepaid Billing Runs.

Executing Prepaid Billing Run

Once a Billing Run is created it will then need to be executed 

  1. From the Actions Menu click on ACTIONS > EXECUTE
  2. In the Execute Prepaid Billing Run Modal 
    1. Execute Now: Check the box to execute the Billing Run directly
    2. Scheduled Date: Click on the calendar to select a date and time to start the execution. Click DONE when completed
    3. Click SAVE

, including each Action's related validations and restrictions. View the Attributes Table for a comprehensive description of the Normal Billing Runs fields.

Validations & Restrictions

  • Not Applicable
  • Active Billing Run definition exists in the system
  • All mandatory fields have been defined
  • Life Cycle State = is set to 'DRAFT'
  • All mandatory fields have been defined
  • Billing Runs cannot be deleted

Prepaid Billing Run Attributes 

It determines if the wallet consumption estimation step Consider billing term schemes



Main Information
NumberAn auto-generated number which uniquely identifies each prepaid billing runPrepaid Billing Run
Life Cycle State

The life cycle state  of the prepaid billing runLife Cycle State of the Prepaid Billing Run. The supported states are the following:

  • 'Draft': The billing run Billing Run was not executed yet
  • 'Identification & and Rating': The billing run Billing Run was executed up to this step
  • 'Completed': All billing run Billing Run steps were executed successfully
  • 'Failed': The billing run Billing Run was not executed and no bills Bills were created
  • 'Completed with errorsErrors': the billing run Billing Run was executed , with minor errors and bills Bills were created
Scheduled DateThis is a read Read-only field which is available once you schedule a Run is scheduled. The date provided shows the latest date that the run Run is scheduled to be executed on.
Bill as of dateAs Of Date*

Defines the date that prepaid billing run should be performed as.from where Prepaid Billing Run should start.

Subscriptions with Services whose 'Rated up to' date is equal or before the 'Bill as Of Date' are taken into account

  • Status
    titleApplicable up to R9
    - The bill as of date Bill As Of Date takes a default value based on the bill as of day setting specified in prepaid billing run definitions Bill As Of Day setting, specified in Prepaid Billing Run Definitions, although it can be modified by users.
  • Status
    titleAvailable from CRM.COM R10.0.0
    - The bill as of date Bill As Of Date is set equal to the date the Prepaid Billing Prepaid Billing Run is performed.
Enable Stop Service Step
titleApplicable up to R9

It determines if the stop service step Determines whether or not the Stop Service Step should be performed or not. It is automatically set on when creating the prepaid billing runPrepaid Billing Run, based on the processing settings specified on the active prepaid billing run definitions'Active' Prepaid Billing Run Definitions.


titleAvailable from CRM.COM R10.0.0
The Prepaid Billing Run no longer applies stop services actionsStop Service Actions. Check Deactivate Prepaid Subscription Run Definitions for more information on how to deactivate Services with not enough funds in their Wallets to cover the Service charge.

Enable Start Service Step
titleApplicable up to R9

It determines if the start service step Determines whether or not the Start Service Step should be performed or not. It is automatically set on when creating the prepaid billing runPrepaid Billing Run, based on the processing settings specified on the active prepaid billing run definitions'Active' Prepaid Billing Run Definitions.


titleAvailable from CRM.COM R10.0.0
Prepaid Billing Run no longer applies start services actionsStart Services Actions

Enable Wallet Consumption Estimation Step


Determines whether or not the Wallet Consumption Estimation Step should be performed or not. It is automatically set on when creating the prepaid billing runPrepaid Billing Run, based on the processing settings specified on the active prepaid billing run definitions'Active' Prepaid Billing Run Definitions.


Skip estimation of wallets Wallets for faster execution.

Billing Term Schemes*


billing term schemes

Billing Term Schemes that should be considered by the

prepaid billing run

Prepaid Billing Run process. Only the billable entities

having billing terms of those schemes

whose Billing Terms are included in the Billing Term Schemes will be billed. Only

billing term schemes

Billing Term Schemes classified as


'Prepaid' can be included in this list.

Consider accounts receivable classificationsAccounts Receivable Classifications*

The accounts receivable classification Accounts Receivable Classification that should be considered by the prepaid billing run Normal Billing Run process. Only billable entities owned by accounts receivable Accounts Receivables having one of those classifications the included Accounts Receivable Classifications will be billed. 

Accounts receivableReceivableA list of accounts receivable that are used as Accounts Receivablethatareusedas filters. If specified, then only the those accounts receivable Accounts will be billed by the prepaid billing run processPrepaid Billing Run process.
SubscriptionsA list of subscriptions Subscriptions that are used as filters. If specified, then only those subscriptions Subscriptions will be billed by the prepaid billing run processPrepaid Billing Run process.
GroupsA list of Groups that are used as filters. If specified, then only the accounts receivable Accounts Receivable owned by the specified Groups will be billed by the prepaid billing run processPrepaid Billing Run process.
Scheduling Settings
Scheduling Settings*

Defines if the prepaid billing run is recurring or one timeDetermines whether the Prepaid Billing Run takes place once or is recurring.

  • Status
    titleApplicable up to R9
    - In the case of recurring prepaid billing runsa recurring Prepaid Billing Run, the recurrence is inherited from the prepaid billing run definitions Prepaid Billing Run Definitions (and is visible to the user).
  • Status
    titleAvailable from CRM.COM R10.0.0
    - In the case of recurring prepaid billing runsa recurring Prepaid Billing Runs, the recurrence is set to 1 day.

Results & Exceptions

The 2 sections are section is available once the Billing Run is executed and provide you with the results of the billing

  1. Number of Generated Wallet Transactions: Provides the total number of wallet transactions Wallet Transactions generated from the current execution of the billing runBilling Run
  2. Start Date: Provides the The Start Date of the Billing Run
  3. End Date: Provides the  The End Date of the Billing Run
  4. Results per Per Step: Provides all the The steps taken for the specific Billing Run and gives analytically , the Financial Transactions created and the entities included.


The section is available once the Billing Run is executed

  1. Accounts Receivable: Provides the  The accounts which were not billed due to some errorbecause of an error.
  2. Code: The code of the error that caused failure in billing the account account.
Log Information
Log InformationThe standard Log Informationset of Log Details information available in all entities.

Executing Prepaid Billing Run

Once a Billing Run is created, it must be executed.

  1. From the Actions Menu click on ACTIONS > EXECUTE
  2. In the Execute Prepaid Billing Run Modal 
    1. Execute Now: Check the box to execute the Billing Run directly
    2. Scheduled Date: Click on the calendar to select a date and time to start the execution. Click DONE when completed
    3. Click SAVE

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