
Learn how you can to configure and execute Normal Billing Run Run

What does this section cover?

Runs that will be used to bill Normal Subscribers and Jobs


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

What is Normal Billing Run?

In CRM.COM Software the way to bill the customers in a batch mode is done via Billing Runs referred to as Normal Billing Runs or Prepaid Billing Runs

Normal billing run is a billing mechanism which is used in cases where customers start using the services that were subscribed to or delivered to them, and by the end of their billing frequency period they are charged for those services. Normal billing run

Navigating to Normal Billing Runs



What are Normal Billing Runs?

Normal Billing Runs is a mechanism used to bill customers in batch mode, at the end of their Billing Frequency Period, for Services they are subscribed to or were delivered to them.

The Normal Billing Run is usually performed on a monthly basis and is responsible to identify the billable services, rate them, invoice them per subscription or jobresponsible for identifying and rating the Services that must be billed, invoice them per Subscription or Job, assemble each customer’s bill which includes all of those invoices , including all invoice, and post them. Normal customers receive a bill which covers all the invoices related with their subscriptions or jobs, which is then sent to them in order to make their due payments. Normal billing run  The result of a Normal Billing Run is the creation of a Bill which is sent to the customers to be settled. The Normal Billing Run process is performed in various steps, as described in Understanding Normal Billing.

In order for the Once a Billing Run to be created  then a  Normal Billing Run Definition needs to be set up in the system. Once the definition is set up, once a new Normal Billing Run is created certain values will either be set by default as provided by the Normal Billing Run Definition or will be validated against it.

Creating, Editing & Deleting

is created it must be submitted to be executed, either once or on a recurring basis, based on the defined Scheduling Settings. Once a Run is executed, Results will be logged in the respective tab, depending on the step the run reached.
The user has the option to delete the specific run as long as it is not yet executed (still in a 'Draft' state).

  • Navigate to Normal Billing Runs and explore existing entries via the Summary page
  • Click on the link (name or number) of the entry of your interest to access the Data Entry page and see more detail, or submit the Billing Run. 

  • Use the Actions Menu to create a NEW Run, or modify (EDIT) a Draft Billing Run.

  • Use BACK to return to the Summary page and CANCEL to revert any unwanted changes made to the Definition.

Check the Validations & Restrictions Table below for a list of available Actions when working with Normal Billing Runs, including each Action's related validations and restrictions. View the Attributes Table for a comprehensive description of the Normal Billing Runs fields.

Validations & Restrictions

  • Not Applicable
  • Active Billing Run definition exists Mandatory Fields must be defined
  • All mandatory fields have been Mandatory Fields must be defined
  • Life Cycle State = DRAFTis set to 'Draft'
  • All mandatory fields have been definedNot Applicable
  • Billing Runs cannot be deleted
Normal Billing Run attributes 



An * indicates a field is mandatory.

The billing term schemes



NumberAn auto-generated number which uniquely identified each normal billing run
TypeDefines if the normal billing run was performed on a batch or individual mode. The supported values are BATCH and INDIVIDUAL
Life cycle stateThe life cycle state of the normal billing runidentifies each Normal Billing Run
Life Cycle State

The Life Cycle State of the Normal Billing Run. The supported states are the following:

  • 'Draft': The billing run Billing Run was not executed yet
  • 'Identification & and Rating': The billing run Billing Run was executed up to this step
  • 'Invoicing': The billing run Billing Run was executed up to this step
  • 'Assembling & and Posting': The billing run Billing Run was executed up to this step
  • 'Formatting': The billing run Billing Run was executed up to this step
  • 'Completed': All billing run Billing Run steps were executed successfully
  • 'Failed': The billing run Billing Run was not executed and no bills Bills were created
  • 'Completed with errorsErrors': the billing run Billing Run was executed , with minor errors and bills Bills were created


as of date

As Of Date*

Defines the date that normal billing run should be performed as.from where Normal Billing Run should start.

Subscriptions with Services whose 'Rated up to' date is equal or before the 'Bill as Of Date' are taken into account

For recurring Normal Billing Runs the Bill as of date As Of Date takes a default value based on the bill as of day setting specified in normal billing run definitions.

Transaction date*Defines the date that will be used as the financial transaction date. The Default value is set based on normal billing definitions, although it can be modified by users
Invoice due date proximity settings*

Defines how the due date of the generated invoices should be set. This setting is applicable only if the active accounts receivable definitions allows a proximity range. The specified period should be within the specified range as defined in the Accounts receivable Definition The settings consist of the following

  • Sign: - or +
  • Value: The actual value that will be added on the due date, which is calculated based on the active accounts receivable definitions due date rules

The sign and the value are validated against the proximity range definition which is again specified in the due date rules

Bill As Of Day setting specified in Normal Billing Run Definitions.

Scheduled DateThis is a read Read-only field which is available once you schedule a Run is scheduled. The date provided shows the latest date that the run Run is scheduled to be executed on.
Scheduling settings*Defines if the normal billing run is recurring or one time. In the case of recurring normal billing runs, the recurrence is inherited from the normal billing run definitions (and is visible to the user)
Consider billing term schemesCriteria
Billing Term SchemesThe Billing Term Schemes that should be considered by the normal billing run Normal Billing Run process. Only the billable entities having billing terms of those schemes whose Billing Terms are included in the Billing Term Schemes will be billed. Only billing term schemes Billing Term Schemes classified as normal 'Normal' can be included in this list.
Consider billing frequenciesBilling FrequenciesThe billing frequencies Billing Frequencies that should be considered by the normal billing run Normal Billing Run process. Only the billable entities having billing terms with these frequencies with Billing Terms of the included Billing Frequencies will be billed. Only billing frequencies Billing Frequencies which are supported by the active billing term definition 'Active' Billing Term Definition can by included in this listConsider accounts receivable classificationsThe accounts receivable classification .
Accounts Receivable Classifications

The Accounts Receivable Classification that should be considered by the normal billing run Normal Billing Run process. Only billable entities owned by accounts receivable Accounts Receivables having one of those classifications the included Accounts Receivable Classifications will be billed. 

Consider payment preferencesPayment Preferences

The accounts receivable payment preferences Accounts Receivable Payment Preferences that should be considered by the normal billing run Normal Billing Run process. Only billable entities owned by accounts receivable having one of those payment preferences Accounts Receivables includedintheoneofthePayment Preferences will be billed.

Consider presentment preferencesPresentment Preferences

The accounts receivable presentment preferences Accounts Receivable Presentment Preferences that should be considered by the normal billing run Normal Billing Run process. Only billable entities owned by accounts receivable having one of those presentment preferences Accounts Receivables included in the Presentment Preferences will be billed.

Accounts receivableReceivableA list of accounts receivable that are used as Accounts Receivablethatareusedas filters. If specified, then only the those accounts receivable Accounts will be billed by the normal billing run processNormal Billing Run process.
SubscriptionsA list of subscriptions Subscriptions that are used as filters. If specified, then only those subscriptions Subscriptions will be billed by the normal billing run processNormal Billing Run process.
JobsA list of jobs Jobs that are used as filters. If specified, then only those jobs Jobs will be billed by the normal billing run processNormal Billing Run process.
GroupsA list of Groups that are used as filters. If specified, then only the accounts receivable Accounts Receivable owned by the specified Groups will be billed by the normal billing run process

Configuring a Normal Billing Run tailored to your company's needs

  • Either search for an existing one or from the Top Menu click on NEW

    1. Bill as of date: Click on the calendar and select a date

    2. Life Cycle State: This is read only and will be automatically set by the system

    3. Scheduled Date: This is read only and will be automatically set by the system 


    1. Billing Term Schemes
      1. Click on ADD and use the search modal to select the Billing term schemes to be included
    2. Billing Frequencies
      1. Click on ADD and select from the drop down list the Billing Frequencies to be included
    3. Classifications
      1. Click on ADD and use the search modal to select the account Classifications to be included
    4. Payment Preferences
      1. Click on ADD and use the search modal to select the Payment Preferences to be included
    5. Presentment Preferences
      1. Click on ADD and use the search modal to select the Presentment Preferences to be included

    1. Groups
      1. Click on ADD and use the search modal to select the groups whose subscriptions should be included (Owned by Group)
    2. Accounts receivable
      1. Click on ADD and use the search modal to select the accounts receivables that should be included 
    3. Subscriptions
      1. Click on ADD and use the search modal to select the subscriptions that should be included
    4. Jobs
      1. Click on ADD and use the search modal to select the jobs that should be included

    1. Recurring: Check the box if the Billing Run should be recurring
    2. Recurrence Settings: The default values as defined in the Billing Run Definition are loaded. 
      1. Provide a different number and select UOT 

    1. Financial Transaction Posting Date: Click on the calendar and select a date
    2. Invoice Due Date Proximity: Select between  + / - and provide an integer value for the proximity date
  • From the Top Menu click on SAVE

    Include PageLog Information - GlobalLog Information - Global
    Normal Billing Run process.
    Scheduling Settings
    Settings*Determines whether the Normal Billing Run takes place once or is recurring. In the case of a recurring Normal Billing Run, the recurrence is Read-only and is inherited from the Normal Billing Run Definitions.
    Financial Transaction Settings
    Financial Transaction Posting Date*

    The date on which the Financial Transaction is set as posted.

    The default value is set by the Normal Billing Definitions and can be modified by the user.

    Invoice DueDate Proximity*

    Defines how the due date of the generated invoices should be set.
    The settings consist of the following:

    • A Sign: - or +
    • A Value: The actual value that will be added on the due date, which is calculated based on the 'Active' Accounts Receivable Definitions due date rules.

    The defined sign and value must fall within the proximity range defined in the Due Date Rules of the 'Active' /wiki/spaces/WIP/pages/10010232.


    The Due Date of the Invoices, calculated based on the Billing Run Invoice Dude Date, overwrites the Due Date defined on the Credit Period of the Accounts Receivable

    NumberofGenerated BillsThe total number of Bills generated by the Run.
    Start DateThe date on which the Billing Run starts.
    End DateThe date on which the Billing Run ends.
    Results Per StepA table listing all the steps of the specific Billing Run, the Financial Transactions created and the entities included.
    Accounts ReceivableThe accounts which were not billed because of an error.
    Code The code of the error that caused the failure in billing the account .
    Log Information
    Log DetailsThe standard set of Log Details information available in all entities.

    Executing a Normal Billing Run

    Once a Billing Run is created, it will then need to must be executed in order to actually bill the subscribers. Users will have the option to execute a Billing Run up to any of the 4 stages that are available. Visit Understanding Normal Billingavailable. Refer to /wiki/spaces/WIP/pages/10008766 for a detailed description of all the available Billing Run stages available.

    If the Billing Run is not in the its final State , i.e. Formatting, then the the user will be allowed to (Formatting), the user can continue with the execution of the Billing  to any one or more of the follow up next steps in the process

    2. Search for Search for the Billing Run you would like to execute and click on the number its Number to go to the data entry Data Entry page.

      Up to Rating State

    3. From the Actions Menu click on on ACTIONS > EXECUTE UP TO IDENTIFICATION & RATING.
    4. In the Execute Normal Billing Run Modal Modal:
      1. Execute Now: Check  Check the box to execute the Billing Run directly.
      2. Scheduled Date: Click  Click on the calendar to select a date and time to start the execution. Click DONE when  when completed.
      3. Click SAVE.

      Up to Invoicing

    5. From the Actions Menu click on on ACTIONS > EXECUTE UP TO INVOICING.
    6. In the Execute Normal Billing Run Modal Modal:
      1. Execute Now: Check  Check the box to execute the Billing Run directly.
      2. Scheduled Date: Click  Click on the calendar to select a date and time to start the execution. Click DONE when  when completed.
      3. Click SAVE SAVE.

      Up to Assembling & Posting

    7. From the Actions Menu click on on ACTIONS > EXECUTE UP TO ASSEMBLING & POSTING.
    8. In the Execute Normal Billing Run Modal Modal:
      1. Execute Now: Check  Check the box to execute the Billing Run directly.
      2. Scheduled Date: Click  Click on the calendar to select a date and time to start the execution. Click DONE when completed.
      3. Click SAVE.

      Up to Formatting

    9. From the Actions Menu click on Actions > Execute Up to Formatting.
    10. In the Execute Normal Billing Run Modal Modal:
      1. Execute Now: Check the box to execute the Billing Run directly.
      2. Scheduled Date: Click on the calendar to select a date and time to start the execution. Click DONE when completed.
      3. Click SAVE.

    Reading Normal Billing Run Results

  • Search for an existing Billing Run and click on the number to go to the Data entry page

    1. Number of Generated Bills: Provides the total number of bills generated
    2. Start Date: Provides the Start Date of the Billing Run
    3. End Date: Provides the End Date of the Billing Run
    4. Results per Step: Provides all the steps taken for the specific Billing Run and gives analytically the Financial Transactions created and the entities included
      RESULTSImage Removed 

  • Accounts Receivable: Provides the accounts which were not billed due to some error
  • Code: The code of the error that caused failure in billing the account 



    View Understanding Normal Billing for business examples related to Normal Billing Runs


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