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Learn how you can configure Job Types


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Navigating to Job Types



What are Job Types?

Job Types is a module used to define the behaviour and the nature of each Job. Each Job Type may have different set of allowed attributes, based on the Fulfilment Scope selected when creating the Job Type.

titleAvailable from CRM.COM R10.0.0

On creating a new Job the System will initially request users to select a Fulfilment Scope for the Job they are creating and once in the Data Entry page, the Job Types associated to the selected Fulfilment Scope, will be made available for selection


  • Navigate to Job Types and explore existing records via the Summary page.  
  • Click on the link (name or number) of the record of your interest to enter the Data Entry page and see more detail. 
  • Use the Actions Menu to create a NEW Job Types, modify (EDIT) or DELETE  an existing one.  
  • Use the BACK to return to the Summary page and CANCEL to revert any unwanted changes made to the Job Types.
  • Click on the Audit Trail button to view a log of changes performed on the Job Type displayed

Check the Validations & Restrictions Table below for a list of available Actions when working with Job Types, including each Action's related validations, restrictions and additional information. View the Attributes Table for a comprehensive description of the Job Types fields. 

Jobs Types

Validations & Restrictions  

ActionValidationsRestrictionsAdditional Information
  • Multiple Job types can exist in the system, but each one should have a unique Name and Alternative Code.
  • Mandatory fields must be provided
  • At least one Status for each Job Life Cycle State should be specified in Allowed Statuses
  • Communication Settings
    • Status
      titleApplicable Up to CRM.COM R9.0.0
      You are only allowed to either check the box for sending a Communication via the Type or "Same as Definition"
      i.e. If the "On Creating" box is checked, then the "Same as definition" box cannot be checked
  • Related to Status Transitions
    • Any Status included in Status Transitions of an Entity Type is also included in the Entity Type's Allowed Statuses.
    • There is one Status Transition for each of the Allowed Statuses of Entity Types which are not final. (i.e. Completed)
    • There are no Status Transitions related to an initial Status (i.e. 'Draft') which is related to a final Life Cycle State.
    • There are no duplicate Statuses among the initial Statuses in the Status Transitions, the destination Statuses or the initial and destination Status of a single Status Transition.
    • There should be one Status Transition for each available Life Cycle State transition, i.e. a Status Transition with an initial state related to the initial Life Cycle State and a destination Status having a Life Cycle State which follows the state of the initial Status. For such Status Transitions, there should be only one destination Status. Multiple destination Statuses can still be configured but only if they have distinct Allowed Organisational Units.
  • If the Billing Directive is Billable:
    • A Billing Term Scheme must be added and a default sheme must be selected
  • Not Applicable
  • Not Applicable
  • Job Types cannot be deleted if they are being used by Jobs which are not yet completed
  • Not Applicable
  • Deleted Job Types are still visible on Jobs which were created using those Types. 


An * indicates a field is mandatory.

Main Information
Name *The name of the Job Type
Alternative code *The alternative code of the Job Type
Estimated Completion Time *How long Jobs of this Type are expected to take in order to be completed, measured in minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years.
DescriptionA description of the Job Type
Billing Directive *

Determines if the Jobs related to this Type are billable or not. The supported values are the following:

  • Billable
  • Not Billable

Fulfilment Scope *

The scope that Jobs of this Type should follow in order to deliver a Job. The following Job Fulfilment Scope options are available:

  • Generic Purpose: Jobs created using this Type will be used to deliver Services and Physical Goods as part of a generic purpose Job
  • New Subscription: Jobs created using this Type will be used to deliver Services and Physical Goods as part of signing up a new Subscriber
  • Activate Subscription: Jobs created using this Type will be used to order a Subscription activation
  • Deactivate Subscription: Jobs created using this Type will be used to order a Subscription deactivation
  • Cancel Subscription: Jobs created using this Type will be used to order a Subscription cancellation
  • Add Subscription Services: Jobs created using this Type will be used to order Subscription Services addition
  • Cancel Subscription Services: Jobs created using this Type will be used to order a Subscription Services cancellation
  • Change Subscription Location: Jobs created using this Type will be used to change the location of an existing Subscription
  • Swap Subscription Installed Items: If selected then any jobs created using this Type will be used to swap installed items on an existing Subscription
  • Swap Subscription Services: If selected then any Jobs created using this Type will be used to swap services on an existing Subscription
  • Status
    titleAvailable from CRM.COM R11.0.0
    - Replace Physical Goods:
    Jobs created using this Type will be used to replace Traceable Physical Goods which have been sold through a Job. (It cannot be used for replacing Subscription Physical Goods)

Fulfilment Method *

The method that should be followed in order to Fulfil the job. The supported methods are the following:

  • Based on Ordered Items: If selected, then the delivered Services and Physical Goods should include all the products that were initially ordered by the customer. Additional Services and Physical Goods are not allowed to be delivered. All delivered Services and Physical Goods are billed if the Job is defined as 'Billable'
  • Based on Delivered Items: If selected then it is not mandatory to include the ordered products in the delivered Services and Physical Goods. Additional Services and Physical Goods are allowed to be delivered. All delivered Services and Physical Goods are billed are billed if the Job is defined as 'Billable'

Billing Method

titleAvailable from CRM.COM R10.0.0

Determines when in its Life Cycle a Job can be billed. The supported methods are the following:

  • Bill on Starting Progress: Job can be billed when its Life Cycle State is set to "'In Progress'".
  • Bill on Completion: Job can only be billed once its Life Cycle State is set to "Completed".

This field is available only when the Fulfilment Method is set to "Based on Ordered Items", the Fulfilment Scope is set to "Generic Purpose" and the Billing Directive is set to "Billable".

Allowed Attributes
Allowed Statuses *The Job Statuses which can be used in Job of this Type. At least one Status per each Job Life Cycle State should be specified in this section. The default Job Status is also specified in this section.

Default Status on Start Create *

titleAvailable from CRM.COM R10.0.0

The Status that should be automatically selected on creating the Job. The available options include all the Allowed Statuses which are related with the 'Draft' or 'Pending' Life Cycle State

Default Status on Start Progress *

The Status that should be automatically selected on starting the Job progress. The available options include all the Allowed Statuses which are related with the 'In Progress' Life Cycle State.
Default Status on Cancel *The Status that should be automatically selected on cancelling the Job. The available options include all the Allowed Statuses which are related with the 'Cancelled' Life Cycle State.

Default Status on Complete *

The Status that should be automatically selected on completing the Job. The available options include all the Allowed Statuses which are related with the 'Completed' Life Cycle State.
Allowed CategoriesThe Job categories which can be used in Jobs of this Type
Physical Goods
Allowed Physical Goods

The Products and Product Types classified as Physical Goods that can be added to Jobs of that Type. The following information is specified on each allowed Physical Good:

  • Product or Product Type classified as Physical Goods
  • Classification: Mandatory or Optional
Allowed Expenses

The products classified as Expenses that can be added to Jobs of that Type. The following information is specified on each allowed Physical Good:

  • A Product or Product Type classified as Expense
  • Classification: Mandatory or Optional
Activity Types
Allowed Activity Types

Defines the Types of Activities can be applied on this Type of Job. The following information is specified:

  • Activity Type
  • Classification: Mandatory or Optional
  • Billing Directive: Defines if the activity should be Billable or Not billable. This information is available only if the Job Type is billable
Subscription Types

Allowed Subscription Type

Determines the Type of Subscriptions that can be maintained through Jobs of this Type. Multiple Subscription Types can be added, but each Subscription Type can be added only once.

This information is visible and applicable only if the Job Type Fulfilment Scope is one of the following:

  • Activate Subscription
  • Deactivate Subscription
  • Cancel Subscription
  • Add Subscription Services
  • Cancel Subscription Services
  • Change Subscription Location
  • Swap Subscription Installed Items
  • Swap Subscription Services
Billing Term Schemes

Allowed Billing Term Schemes

The Billing Term Schemes that can be used by Jobs of that Type. The default Billing Term Scheme is also specified in this section.

Mandatory on Conditions: This section is mandatory if the Billing Directive is set to 'Billable'.


If the Fulfilment Scope is set to 'New Subscription' then this section is not available.  In this case, the Billing Term Schemes for Jobs and Subscriptions is set under Main Information independently.

Subscription Types
Subscription Types

The Type of Subscription that can be managed by Jobs of this Type


If the Fulfilment Scope is set to 'New Subscription' then this section is not available.  In this case, Subscription Type is selected in the Subscription Settings

Subscription Settings

Subscription Billing Term Scheme

Defines the Billing Term Scheme to be applied on the Subscription that will be created through the Job. The available Billing Term Schemes are filtered based on the selected subscription Type.


Available only if the Fulfilment Scope is set to New Subscription

Job Billing Term Scheme

Defines the Billing Term Scheme to be used by Jobs of this Type and is set as the default Billing Term Scheme.


Available only if the Fulfilment Scope is set to New Subscription

Subscription Type

The Type of Subscription that can be created through Jobs of this Type.


Available only if the Fulfilment Scope is set to New Subscription

Subscription Action Types

titleAvailable from CRM.COM R10.0.0

Based on the Job Type's Fulfilment Scope, some of the following Subscription Action Types will be available as selection box in order to select the subscription action Type to be used while performing the subscription action related to the Job's Fulfilment Scope.

The available Subscription Action Types are the following:

Subscription Action TypeApplicable on Fulfilment Scope
Become Subscriber Action Type: Only actions with a behaviour code equal to BECOME_SUBSCRIBER can be selectedBecome Subscriber
Activate Subscription Action Type: Only actions with a behaviour code equal to ACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION can be selected

Become Subscriber

Activate Subscription

Cancel Subscription Action Type: Only actions with a behaviour code equal to TERMINATE_SUBSCRIPTION can be selected

Become Subscriber

Cancel Subscription

Deactivate Subscription Action Type: Only actions with a behaviour code equal to DEACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION can be selectedDeactivate Subscription
Add Subscription Services Action Type:  Only actions with a behaviour code equal to ADD_SERVICE can be selectedAdd Subscription Services
Cancel Subscription Services Action Type: Only actions with a behaviour code equal to REMOVE_SERVICE can be selectedCancel Subscription Services
Change Subscription Location Action Type: Only action Types having a behaviour code equal to CHANGE_SUBSCRIPTION_LOCATION can be selectedChange Subscription Location
Swap Subscription Installed Items Action Types: Only action Types having behaviour code SWAP_INSTALLED_ITEM can be selectedSwap Subscription Installed Items
Swap Subscription Services Action Types: Only action Types having behaviour code SWAP_SERVICE can be selectedSwap Subscription Services

Subscription Sub Action Types

titleAvailable from CRM.COM R10.0.0

Based on the Job Type's Fulfilment Scope, some of the following Subscription Sub-Action Types will be available as selection box in order to select the Subscription Sub-Action Type to be used while performing the subscription action related to the Job's Fulfilment Scope.

The available Subscription Sub Action Types are the following:

Subscription Sub Action TypeApplicable on Fulfilment Scope
Become Subscriber Sub Action Type: Only sub actions with a business classification code equal to CREATE_DRAFT_SUBSCRIPTION can be selectedBecome Subscriber
Activate Subscription Sub Action Type:  Only actions with a business classification code equal to ACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION can be selected

Become Subscriber

Activate Subscription

Cancel Subscription Sub Action Type: Only actions with a business classification code equal to CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION can be selected

Become Subscriber

Cancel Subscription

Deactivate Subscription Sub Action Type: Only actions with a business classification code equal to DEACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION can be selectedDeactivate Subscription
Add Subscription Services Sub Action Type: Only actions with a business classification code equal to ADD_SERVICE can be selected Add Subscription Services
Cancel Subscription Services Sub Action Type: Only actions having a business classification code equal to CANCEL_SERVICE can be selectedCancel Subscription Services
Change Subscription Location Sub Action Type: Only sub action Types having a business classification code equal to CHANGE_SUBSCRIPTION_LOCATION can be selectedChange Subscription Location
Swap Subscription Installed Items Sub Action Types: Only sub action Types having business classification code SWAP_INSTALLED_ITEM can be selectedSwap Subscription Installed Items
Swap Subscription Services Sub Action Types: Only sub action Types having business classification code  UPGRADE_SERVICE, DOWNGRADE_SERVICE and SWITCH_SERVICE can be selectedSwap Subscription Services

Communication Settings

The settings for the Communications that can be sent automatically. 



titleApplicable Up to CRM.COM R9.0.0

Communication Settings in Job Types are used to override the Communication settings available in Job Definitions.  This is accomplished by either defining a different Communication Template, disabling a Communication creation on a specific event for the related Job Type or enabling a Communication creation.


Communication Triggers / Events

These are the events for which a Communication will be automatically triggered.

    • On Cancelling: If enabled, then a Communication will be sent whenever a Job is cancelled (i.e. the Life Cycle State changes to 'Cancelled')
    • On Completing: If enabled, then a Communication will be sent whenever a Job is completed (i.e. the Life Cycle State changes to 'Completed')
    • On Creating: If enabled, then a Communication will be sent whenever a Job is created
    • On Starting Progress: If enabled, then a Communication will be sent whenever the progress of a Job starts(i.e. the Life Cycle State changes to 'In Progress')
    • On Updating: If enabled, then a Communication will be sent whenever the requested information of a Job is updated
Communication Template

The Communication template that will be used to create the Communication for the trigger/event
Only effective Communication templates with an Outgoing direction can be selected.

Communication Queue External System

titleApplicable Up to CRM.COM R9.0.0

An external system can be optionally specified for each event. This will be the System responsible for handling the Communication

Status Transitions

Status Transitions define the allowed or disallowed transitions between Statuses of a specific entity based on a set of conditions that include the initial and destination Status value, the Type of the entity and the user or unit who is performing the Status Transition.

StatusThe initial Status of the entity for which the allowed transitions are defined. Only one initial Status can be defined per Status Transition per Entity Type. The entity Status must also be included within the Entity Type's Allowed Statuses, if any are defined.
Status Transitions

A list of Statuses that can be used as destination Statuses when the specified Status needs to be changed. Each entry consist of the following:

  • To Status:The Statuses available for selection
    One or more Statuses must be defined
  • Allowed Organisational Conditions: The Units or Users allowed to change the specified Status. This condition is optional; if no Organisational Units are defined then all Users are allowed to change the Status of the entity.
Allowed Organisational Units
Allowed Organisational UnitsThe organisational units that can assign the Job type on a Job
Log Information
Log DetailsThe standard set of Log Details information available in all entities

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