Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The ID of the retrieved wallet |
balance | Number | The total balance of the retrieved wallet in wallet currency |
alternative_balance | Number | The total balance of the retrieved wallet in its alternative currency |
conditional_balance | Number | The total conditional balance of the retrieved wallet in wallet currency |
conditional_alternative_balance | Number | The total conditional balance of the retrieved wallet in wallet alternative currency |
unconditional_balance | Number | The total unconditional balance of the retrieved wallet in wallet currency |
unconditional_alternative_balance | Number | The total unconditional balance of the retrieved wallet in wallet alternative currency |
balance_breakdown_in_wallet_currency | Wallet Balance Breakdown Object | The wallet balance breakdown in wallet currency |
balance_breakdown_in_wallet_alternative_currency | Wallet Alternative Balance Breakdown Object | The wallet balance breakdown in wallet alternative currency |
balance_breakdown_per_reward_offer | Wallet Balance Breakdown per Reward Offer Object | The wallet balance break down per reward offer which results in debiting the wallet. |