Name | Type | Description |
total_quoted_costamount | Number | The total quoted cost amount of all jobs of the specified accounts receivable |
parent_account_quoted_costamount | Number | The total quoted cost amount among all jobs which represents the amount that will be paid by the specified account owner's parent account. Applicable only if the specified account is a member in a group and regardless of its funding scope |
member_account_quoted_costamount | Number | The quoted cost amount among all jobs that also represents the amount that will be paid by the specified account owner but only if this accunt account owner is a member of an accounts group. |
parent_account | Accounts Receivable Object | The parent account of the specified accounts receivable. Applicable only if the specified accounts receivable is a member in a group and regardless of its funding scope |
currency | Currency Object | The accounts receivable currency |
job_items_quoted_costamount_set | Set of Job Items Quoted Costamounts | A list of the job's items quoted costamounts |
Referred Objects Response Data Anchor job quoted cost amount referred objects job quoted cost amount referred objects