Name | Type | Description |
billing_term_scheme_identifier (mandatory) | Billing term scheme identifier | The billing term scheme that will be used on the billing terms. The allowed billing term scheme identifier fields are the following: Include Page |
| billing_term_scheme_identifier |
| billing_term_scheme_identifier |
price_plan_identifier (mandatory on conditions) | Price plan identifier | The price plan that will be used on the billing terms. The allowed price plan identifier fields are the following: Include Page |
| price_plan_identifier |
| price_plan_identifier |
Tip |
The price_plan_identifier is considered as mandatory up until CRM.COM R11.2.0. From CRM.COM R11.2.0 the identifier becomes mandatory on conditions, which means that it is mandatory only as long as no default price plan is specified in the Billing Term Scheme |
billing_cycle_day (optional) | Number | The billing cycle day of the billing terms that will be created. Billing cycle day is used to specify up to which day of the month a subscription should be billed. If not specified then it defaults to the billing cycle day specified on the billing term scheme Tip |
If the Billing Method on the Billing Term scheme is set to Period Billing, then billing cycle day cannot be specified as it will always use the allowed billing day of the billing term scheme. The Billing cycle day is required only when the billing method is set to Anniversary and the billing term scheme does not apply any automations.
billing_cycle_last_day_of_month (optional) | Boolean | Indicates that the billing term's billing cycle day is the last day of each month of the year. Available only if the billing method of the billing term scheme is set to Anniversary but only as long as no automations are applied by the billing term scheme. If specified, then the billing_cycle_day is not applicable. Tip |
Available from CRM.COM R12.0.0 |
agreement_date (mandatory) | Date | The agreement date of the billing terms that will be created. Billing terms agreement date is used to log the date that the billing terms were agreed and signed by the customer. |
billing_frequency (mandatory on conditions)
| String | The billing frequency of the billing terms that will be created. Billing Frequencies are used to denote how often a subscription should be billed.The supported options are the following: DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, BIANNUAL, ANNUAL, TWOYEARS, CUSTOM1, CUSTOM2, CUSTOM3, CUSTOM4, CUSTOM5 Billing frequency is applicable and mandatory only if the specified billing term scheme is of type "Normal" |
binding_information (optional) | Binding information object | The binding information of the billing term that will be created. Binding information is used to determine if a customer is contractually committed to receive services from the service provider for a fixed period of time. |
concurrent_usage_based_pricing (mandatory on conditions) | Concurrent usage based pricing object | Concurrent usage based pricing is used to apply price plan rates based on the number of concurrent usage of the services or the installed items that will be billed, and a rate percentage which is agreed between the customer and the company providing those service. Concurrent usage based pricing is applicable and mandatory only if it is supported by the billing term schemes |