Name | Type | Description | |||
id | String | The ID of the retrieved usage detail record | |||
number | String | The number of the retrieved usage detail record | |||
life_cycle_state | String | The state of the retrieved usage detail record which can be one of the following: POSTED, CANCELLED | |||
billing_directive | String | The usage detail record billing directive which can be one of the following: TO_BE_BILLED, TO_BE_CREDITED, NOT_TO_BE_BILLED | |||
billing_effective_date | Date | The usage detail record billing effective date | |||
from_date | Date | The date that the usage of the service started | |||
to_date | Number | The date that the usage of the service stopped | |||
source_id | String | The ID of the source that initiated the service, for example the forexamplethe phone number that initiated a phone call | |||
destination_id | String | The category of the source that initiated the service. The source categories are filtered based on the selected UDR Type | |||
usage_amount | Number | The usage detail record total usage amount | |||
rating_state | String | The rating state of the usage detail record, which can be one of the following: PENDING, COMPLETED
| |||
rating_type | String | The rating type of the usage detail record, which can be one of the following:
| |||
total_amount | Number | The total amount that the UDR was rated for. If the UDR is Post-Rated then this information is set by the the thethe CRM.COM rating COMrating engine while rating the UDR. If the UDR is Pre-Rated then this information should be set while submitting the UDR
| |||
vat_amount | Number | The VAT amount that was applied on the UDR. If the UDR is Post-Rated then this information is set by the the thethe CRM.COM rating COMrating engine while rating the UDR. If the UDR is Pre-Rated then this information should be set while submitting the UDR
| |||
tax_amount | Number | The total Tax amount that was applied on the UDR. If the UDR is Post-Rated then this information is set by the the thethe CRM.COM rating COMrating engine while rating the UDR. If the UDR is Pre-Rated then this information should be set while submitting the UDR
| |||
discount_amount | Number | The discount amount that was applied on the UDR. If the UDR is Post-Rated then this information is set by the the thethe CRM.COM rating COMrating engine while rating the UDR. If the UDR is Pre-Rated then this information should be set while submitting the UDR
| |||
prerated_discount_amount | Number | The discount amount that was applied on the UDR while submitting the UDR. Note that this information is applicable only for pre rated UDRsforpre ratedUDRs
| |||
additional_discount_amount | Number | The discount amount that was additionally applied on the pre rated UDRthepre ratedUDR. Note that this information is applicable only for pre rated UDRsforpre ratedUDRs
| |||
rating_date | Date | The date that the UDR was rated. If the UDR is Post-Rated then this information is set by the the thethe CRM.COM rating COMrating engine while rating the UDR. If the UDR is Pre-Rated then this information should be set while submitting the UDR
| |||
udf_string_1 | String | User Defined Field DefinedField of type String | |||
udf_string_2 | String | User Defined Field DefinedField of type String | |||
udf_string_3 | String | User Defined Field DefinedField of type String | |||
udf_string_4 | String | User Defined Field DefinedField of type String | |||
udf_string_5 | String | User Defined Field DefinedField of type String | |||
udf_string_6 | String | User Defined Field DefinedField of type String | |||
udf_string_7 | String | User Defined Field DefinedField of type String | |||
udf_string_8 | String | User Defined Field DefinedField of type String | |||
udf_float_1 | Float | User Defined Field of type Float | |||
udf_float_2 | Float | User Defined Field of type Float | |||
udf_float_3 | Float | User Defined Field of type Float | |||
udf_float_4 | Float | User Defined Field of type Float | |||
udf_date_1 | Date | User Defined Field of type Date | |||
udf_date_2 | Date | User Defined Field of type Date | |||
udf_date_3 | Date | User Defined Field of type Date | |||
udf_date_4 | Date | User Defined Field of type Date | |||
accounts_receivable | Accounts receivable object | The related accounts receivable | |||
member_account | Accounts receivable object | subscription | Subscription object The member accounts receivable. Applicable only if the retrieved usage detail record is related to a parent accounts receivable but was issued for a member accounts receivable.
| ||
subscription | Subscriptionobject | The related subscription object | |||
subscription_service | Subscription Service object | The related subscription service object, which is classified as a usage service | |||
product | Product objectProductobject | The actual product that was used, which is classified as a usage service | |||
subscription_action | Subscription Action object | The subscription action that generated the usage detail record | |||
source_system | Usage Detail Record Source System object | The source system that generated the usage detail record | |||
unit_of_measurement | Units of Measurement Object | The Unit of measurement of the retrieved usage detail record type
| |||
type | Usage Detail Record Type object | The type of the usage detail record | |||
usage_service_catalog | Usage Service Catalog Object | The usage service catalog that servicecatalogthat the service that was used belongs to. | |||
device | Usage Detail Record Device Object | The device that used the service. | |||
usage_method | Usage Detail Record Usage Method Object | The method that was applied on using appliedonusing the service (for example rental, download etc.) | |||
source_category | Usage Detail Record Source Category Object | The category of the source that initiated the service. | |||
destination_category | Usage Detail Record Destination Category Object | The category of the destination that received the service. | |||
Log Information Object | The log information related with the relatedwiththe retrieved usage detail record |