How to create a page
First of all, create a page in XHTML file format, a file with a .xhtml extension and declared the necessary Namespaces.
Code Block |
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
</html> |
Define the template of the page in a ui:composition tag.
Code Block |
<ui:composition template=""></ui:composition> |
A typical JavaServer Faces application includes one or more managed beans, each of which can be associated with the components used in a particular page.
A managed bean for summary pages must extend SummaryView class and for data entry pages must extend DataEntryView class.
Code Block |
@ManagedBean(name = "summaryManagedBeanView", eager = true)
public class SummaryManagedBeanView extends SummaryView {
@ManagedBean(name = "dataEntryManagedBeanView", eager = true)
public class DataEntryManagedBeanView extends DataEntryView{
} |
Class SummaryView
SummaryView class implements commonly used functions for summary pages.
Class DataEntryView
DataEntryView class implements commonly used functions for data entry pages.
The below list shows functions that can be used from data entry pages:
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title | public void addCustomFields() |
This method add adds custom fields on the page. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getDefinedLanguageOptions() |
This method loads the language optionsreturns a list of languages. |
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title | public String getEditorSuggestions(String entityID,String entityTags) |
This method |
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title | public String getEditorSuggestions(String entityID,String entityTags) |
This method |
method returns a list of editor suggestions based on the specified entity and entity tags. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getOptionsFromString(String options) |
This method method returns a list of options from the specified semicolon-seperated String. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getOptionsFromStringBoolean isGooglePlacesAutocompleteEnable(String options) |
This method |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getOptionsFromString(String options) |
This method |
method returns if the google places autocomplete for address registry is enabled, otherwise false. |
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title | public Boolean isGooglePlacesAutocompleteEnable() |
This method |
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title | public Boolean isInternationalAddressFormatEnabled() |
This method method returns true if the international address format is enabled, otherwise false. |
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title | public Boolean isModuleRestricted(String moduleid) |
This method method returns true if the module with the specified id is restricted, otherwise false. |
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title | public void onload() |
This method method initialize page parameters and is executed on GET request of a page. |
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title | public List<CRMDO> searchCountry(String searchValue) |
This method method returns a list of countries where country name starts with the specified search value. |
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title | public void setGoogleAddress(CRMDOContactInfoAddress contactInfoAddress) |
This method |
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method sets the google address of a contact info address. |
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title | public CRMDO setMandatoryField(CRMDO dto, String xPath, String value) |
This method method sets as mandatory the field of the specified data object based on the specified xPath and value. |
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title | public void setTranslations() |
This method method sets the translations of the page's data object. |
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title | public void setTranslations(CRMDO dto) |
This method method sets the translations of the specified data object |
Commonly used functions
The below list shows functions that can be used both from summary and data entry pages:
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title | public void createArchivedFile(String id) |
This method ...creates an archive file with the specified id. |
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title | public Boolean exists(ArrayList<CRMDO> dtoList, CRMDO dto) |
This method indicates returns true if the specified data object exists in the specified list, otherwise false. |
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title | public ArrayList<CRMDO> filterDeleted(ArrayList<CRMDO> records) |
This method method returns a list of non delete items of the specified list. |
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title | public Set filterDeletedSet(Set records) |
This method method returns a list of non deleted items of the specified set. |
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title | public void findNode(TreeNode node,CRMDO crmdo) |
This method |
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title | public String formatAmount(CRMDOCurrency currency, BigDecimal amount) |
This method String formatAmount(CRMDOCurrency currency, BigDecimal amount) |
This method formats the specified amount to a . The format of the resulting String is [currency prefix] [amount]. If no currency is specified then the system default currency is used. The default scale of the amount is 2. |
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title | public String formatAmount(CRMDOCurrency currency, BigDecimal amount, Boolean showCurrency) |
This method formats the specified amount to a String. The format of the resulting String is: - [currency prefix] [amount] If showCurrency parameter is true, otherwise
- [amount]
If no currency is specified then the system default currency is used. The default scale of the amount is 2. |
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title | public String formatAmount(CRMDOCurrency currency, BigDecimal amount, Boolean showCurrency, Integer scale) |
| This method |
This method formats the specified amount to a String. The format of the resulting String is: - [currency prefix] [amount] If showCurrency parameter is true, otherwise
- [amount]
If no currency is specified then the system default currency is used. If no scale is specified then the default scale of the amount is 2. |
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title | public Object formatDate(Object date) |
This method method formats the specified date to a String based on the configured system date format. |
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title | public Object formatDateTime(Object date) |
This method method formats the specified date time to a String based on the configured system date time format. |
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title | public Object formatDateTime(Object date, String format) |
This method method formats the specified date time to a String based on the specified format. |
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title | public String formatSearchFilter(String searchFilter) |
This method method formats the specified String, removing special characters such as % and _. |
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title | public TreeNode generateTree(ArrayList<CRMDO> categories) |
This method |
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title | public TreeNode generateTree(ArrayList<CRMDO> categories) |
This method method generates a tree based on the specified list. |
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title | public List<Object> getActiveInactiveOptions() |
This method loads the active/inactive optionsmethod returns a list of two options: Active and Inactive. |
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title | public String getAllowedFileTypes() |
| This method String getAllowedFileTypes() |
This method returns a String of allowed file types. The format of the resulting String is: /(\\.|\\/)([comma-seperated file extensions])$/ |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getApplicationServerScopeOptions() |
This method loads the returns a list of allowed application server scope optionsscopes. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getApplicationServersOptions() |
This method loads the application server optionsmethod returns a list of allowed application servers. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getBillingTermSchemeCodeOptions() |
This method loads the method returns a list of billing term scheme code optionscodes. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getBillingTermSchemeCodeOptions(BillType billType) |
This method method returns a list of billing term scheme codes based on the specified bill type. |
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title | public ArrayList<CRMDO> getBillingTermSchemeOptions() |
This method loads the method returns a list of billing term scheme code optionsschemes. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getCountryOptions() |
This method loads the country optionsmethod returns a list of countries. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getCurrencyOptions() |
This method loads the currency optionsmethod returns a list of currencies. |
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title | public Date getCurrentDate() |
This method returns the current date without milliseconds;. |
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title | public String getCurrentYear() |
This method returns the current year. |
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title | public String getDateFormat() |
This method method returns a String for the configured system date format. |
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title | public String getDateTimeFormat() |
| This method |
This method returns a String for the configured system date time format. |
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title | public String getDayOfWeekLabel(Integer dayOfWeek) |
This method method returns the day-of-week label of the specified Int value. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getDaysOfMonthOptions() |
This method method returns a list of days of months. |
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title | public String getDecimalSeperatorSymbol() |
This method method returns the configued system decimal seperator symbol. |
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title | public String getDefaultHomePageName(String defaultHomePageId) |
This method |
String defaultHomePageId) |
This method returns the default home page name based on the specified page id. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getHomePageOptions() |
This method loads the home page optionsreturns a list of home pages. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getHourOptions() |
This method loads the returns a list of hour options. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getJobTypeOptions() |
This method loads the method returns a list of job type options. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getLanguageOptions() |
This method loads the language optionsmethod returns a list of languages. |
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title | public String getMaxFileSize() |
This method method return a String of the configured system maximum file size. |
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title | public String getMenuoption(List<Menuoption> menuoptions, String menuoptionid) |
This method method returns the menu option with the specified id that exists in the specified list. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getMinuteOptions() |
This method loads the minute optionsreturns a list of minutes. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getMinuteOptions(Integer number) |
This method loads the returns a list of minutes with the specified interval number between minute options. |
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title | public String getMonthLabel(Integer month) |
This method returns the month label of the specified Int value. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getMonthNumberOptions() |
This methodThis method returns a list of month numbers. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getMonthOptions() |
This method returns a list of months. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getNormalBillingTermSchemeCodeOptions() |
This method loads the returns a list of normal billing term scheme code optionscodes. |
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title | public String getNumberOfDecimalDigits() |
This method |
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title | public String getPath(CRMSession ejbSession) |
This method |
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title | public String getPaymentGatewayCardBrandIcon(String brand) |
This method method returns a String of the configured system number of decimal digits. |
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title | public String getPeriodOrdinalIndicatorgetPaymentGatewayCardBrandIcon(String periodbrand) |
This method method return an icon class of the specified payment gateway card brand. |
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title | public ArrayList<SelectItem> getProductCriterionTypeOptions() |
This method returns the a list of product criterion type optionstypes. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getRecurrenceScopeOptions() |
This method method returns a list of recurrence scopes. |
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title | public ArrayList<CRMDO> getSubscriptionTypeOptions() |
This method loads the subscription type options |
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title | public String getThousandSeperatorSymbol() |
This method returns a list of subscription types. |
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title | public String getTimeLabelgetThousandSeperatorSymbol(Integer hour, Integer minutes) |
This method method returns a String for the configured system thousand seperator symbol. |
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title | public String getTimeLabel(Integer hour, Integer minutes, Integer seconds) |
This method |
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title | public String getTimestamp() |
This method |
method returns the time label of the specified hour and minutes. The format of the resulting String is [hour]:[minutes]. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getTimezoneOptions(String getTimeLabel(Integer hour, Integer minutes, Integer seconds) |
This method loads the available timezone optionsreturns the time label of the specified hour, minutes and seconds. The format of the resulting String is [hour]:[minutes]:[seconds]. |
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title | public String getTranslationgetTimestamp(String label) |
This method returns the current timestamp. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getUnitOfTimeOptionsgetTimezoneOptions() |
This method returns a list of available time zones. |
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title | public String getValueTranslationgetTranslation(String valuelabel) |
This method returns the translation of the specified key label. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getWeekdayOptionsgetUnitOfTimeOptions() |
This method returns a list of unit times. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> getYearOptionsString getValueTranslation(String value) |
This method returns the translation of the specified value. |
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title | public List<Object> getYesNoOptionsList<SelectItem> getWeekdayOptions() |
This method loads the yes/no optionsreturns a list of week days. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> loadMonthNumberOptionsgetYearOptions() |
This method loads the month (number) optionsreturns a list of years, starting from 1900 until the current year. |
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title | public List<SelectItem> loadPrintoutExportTypeOptionsList<Object> getYesNoOptions() |
This method list of printout export type optionsreturns a list with two options: Yes and No. |
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title | public ArrayList<SelectItem> loadYearOptionsList<SelectItem> loadPrintoutExportTypeOptions() |
This method loads the year optionsreturns a list of printout export types. |
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title | public void navigateToHomePage() |
This method method navigates the user to home page. |
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title | public void refresh() |
This method method refresh the page. |
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title | public List<CRMDOCommunity> searchCommunities(String searchValue) |
This method method returns a list of communities where community name starts with the specified search value. |
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title | public List<CRMDO> searchGroups(String searchValue) |
| This method |
This method returns a list of unit groups where unit group name starts with the specified search value. |
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title | public List<CRMDO> searchUnits(String searchValue) |
This method method returns a list of units where unit name starts with the specified search value. |
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title | public List<CRMDO> searchUsers(String query) |
This method method returns a list of users where user username starts with the specified search value. |
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title | public String setContactOrderBy() |
This method method return a String for contact order by clause based on the active name display rule. |
Template Pages
Child pages (Children Display) |