Name | Description | Value |
id | Unique Identifier. | Any |
name | The text area name. | Any |
visiblemodes | The modes the text area should be visible. | A comma-separated list of the modes (read, new, edit) |
visibilityconditions | The conditions that should be met in order to display the text area. | '[[pagefunction, datatype, datapath ]]' operator(==,!=) 'value' |
readonly | If true then the text area value cannot be changed. | true or false |
readonlyconditions | The conditions that should be met in order to display the text area in read only mode. | '[[pagefunction, datatype, datapath ]]' operator(==,!=) 'value' |
datapath | The data path field name. | Needs to correspond to the CRMDO object field |
datatype | The type of datapath field. | alias, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String, ... |
refresh | The parts of the page that should be refreshed when the text area value is changed. | page mainmenu main details tab,tabID component,is_on_tab:is_on_menu:tabID:componentID element,is_on_tab:is_on_menu:tabid:componentID:elementID section,sectionID area,areaID |
rows | Number of rows to be displayed in the text area. | Any number |
onchange | Defines the function call(s) triggered when the text area value is changed. | <functions>…</functions> |