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This section describes how a process run definition |
can be implemented.
What does this section cover?
In order to implement a process run definition, you need to create:
- A new data object class extending com.crm.dataobject.ViewObject class.
- A new user interface class extending com.crm.process.processrun.CRMUIProcessRunDefinitionBean class.
- A new class extending com.crm.businessobject.processrun.ProcessRunDefinitionXMLUtilBean class, to save and load any criteria, action inputs and/or scheduling settings.
- Five new summary pages.
- A new data entry page.
- Define the process in modules metadata file.
the first thing to do is to create a new module in metadata. This new module has a module id and a new feature with its own process id and a method that will be explained later. The next step is to create a Java class smsMessageRunDefintion which extends viewObject class. It is includes a processRunDefinition and a schedulerTask objects which are necessary for a process run definition. Then, some action inputs should be defined to specify certain fields that describe a process run (broadcastPeriod, broadcastInterval etc.) whilst some criteria if are available. The example below, illustrates the java class, ass was explained: