To create a new data entry page, you need to create two XML files: a layout file and a definition file, in your custom projects directory under ..<custom_project>/web/WebContent/pages/dataEntry/<module_name>.
To extend the system's release functionality, by adding new components to an existing data entry page, both custom data entry definition and layout files must be created. To extend the system's release functionality, by just changing the layout of the existing components, only a custom data entry layout file must be created. Both definition and layout files must be created under ..<custom_project>/web/WebContent/pages/dataEntry/<module_name> in your custom project's directory.
The custom data entry definition file must follow this naming convention: <release_definition_page_filename>Custom.xml and include the new components ONLY.
The templates properties file (templates.properties) is used for defining the default data entry layout file, generally or per unit, when more than one layout files exist per data entry definition page, and must be created under ..under <custom_project>/web/WebContent/pages/dataEntry in you custom project's directory.
To define the default layout of a data entry page, you have to add the following line to templates.properties file: <definition_page_file_path>~mp~default=<directory_name>/<layout_filename>.xml